"Call a battalion to go to the golf course with me!" Major-General Mudiyanto reached the order. He knew that although his defense line was impregnable, there was still a flaw, that is, the small golf course in the east of Zhongying was not mined and heavily defended. It was definitely the first choice for the Chinese army to drop. The situation was critical, but he took his time to tidy up, pack it up and go out. In the explosion flames, his figure was so stalwart, and his pace was so impressive from the moment of his famous demeanor. Of course, the staff officer would not tell others that Major-General had never been forced to go. On the other hand, his legs were shaking too much.

Chapter 11 Rescue (3)
A string of gas explosion bombs fell off and scattered fuel explosives. The minefield became red and dazzling. The explosion noise followed, which shocked the paws. The soldiers’ five internal organs swelled and their ears were splitting. The lethality was so amazing. The bombs were not too rough to clean up the minefield, but they received a miraculous effect. Every gas explosion bomb hit the minefield and caused an amazing serial explosion. I saw a group of scary flashes and a loud noise. The restricted area of life was cleared by the Chinese army in the most brutal way.
J-10 and J-12 plunged into the rocket nest in multiple directions, spewing out strips. fire tornado collapsed in the roar of rockets that dared to fire corners and watchtowers. He manipulated Gao Ping’s two heavy machine guns to sweep the paws and depressions at random, and soldiers were blown all over the sky. Those guys who dragged anti-aircraft guns and even carried individual shoulder-fired missiles to fire were surprised to find that the rocket explosion around them was unusually dull, releasing clouds of odorless white smoke!
Smelly bomb?
As soon as this idea passed through their minds, they fell asleep in front of them with a whoosh and flying stray bullets. Of course, it wasn’t a smelly bomb. The ammunition in the warhead could be turned over in a few seconds. Because of their cunning fire prevention, they took hostages as meat shields in the camp, and they were afraid of accidentally injuring hostages. More than 20 fighters tried their best to suppress the fire prevention of paws and monkeys regardless of the danger of being shot down. They covered the transport planes, lowered the height, and played a string of paratroopers. The bamboo tubes were like peas, but the umbrellas were not seen.
Two transport planes of our flag brigade swept in from the ground, and flames flew over the flat and wide golf course from the middle camp. If the red light is on, mid-team leader Hong Zhong "remember to take an umbrella three hundred meters off the ground! Jump! " In a roar, the first paratrooper did not hesitate to jump from 3,000 meters high. High-altitude machine bombs and anti-aircraft artillery shells flew around the transport plane. Two J-12s risked being shot down and rushed to the rockets. The plough machine guns swept away the ground stone, and Sha Fei failed to suppress their firepower. I knew very well that the high-altitude machine bombs sounded when they hit the belly. Fortunately, a layer of special steel plate anti-aircraft guns was temporarily installed in the key parts of the transport plane, which could not resist us.
Small Guangxi asked, "Boss, will we be hit by high-altitude bombs as soon as we jump out?"
I am angry. "Where did you get so much nonsense? Give it to me! " The monkey gave an exaggerated scream and fell like a cloth bag. I couldn’t help shaking my head and jumping after him. I really don’t understand what happened to him. He was a special soldier for several years, and he was still a little afraid of skydiving. Every time he parachuted, his performance always fell to the bottom in the squadron.
Moreover, I kicked all the bases. The transport targets are too big to attract fire. All the hatches are hard to jump, and the speed is 30% faster than the best result in training! When the two transport planes come and go, the base will be inside.
Skydiving at night doesn’t taste good. The high airflow blows on your face and tugs at your facial muscles. It feels like someone is twisting you. The ground is dark and long, and we just can’t see the bottom in our eyes. The worst thing is that we can’t stare our eyes to the maximum. Gravity pulls us to the abyss! The wind is getting faster and faster, and our falling speed is getting faster and faster, and soon it will be close to subsonic speed. Without personal experience, we can absolutely understand the feeling of jumping from a cliff and landing with our whole soul hanging half way! I stared at the ground intensely, splashing bullets and raining flat against the sky. Two heavy machine guns rowed around the ground with bullets, and everything on the ground was rapidly enlarged. My clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and I don’t know how much courage it took to control the impulse of umbrellas. It was definitely a death. We were smashed by anti-aircraft machine guns when we landed on the ground!Finally, I can clearly see the figure near the fire point of the anti-aircraft machine gun. Only when I pulled the umbrella rope, the parachute successfully hit a rough force and almost broke my waist. Now I am less than 200 meters off the ground. Even if the parachute hits me, the speed is still equivalent to jumping from the third floor, but fortunately, I can withstand the impact. Just when the anti-aircraft machine gun flies, the parachute pulls out a few holes, and I successfully step on the land. Cutting the umbrella rope and blowing the parachute by the wind saves me a lot. Even though I made the most standard paratroopers landing posture, the huge impact still rolled me out for more than ten meters with dozens of kilograms of heavy equipment backwards and hit a small tree before stopping to shake my head. Oh, I seem to be the first to land at a place more than twenty meters away from me. It’s quite chasing me. The anti-aircraft machine gun has stopped shooting. The shooter and the gunner looked at me stupidly. whispers forgot to scream in his mouth and waved his claws. I’m not a superstar. I don’t have to be so excited to see me, right? I’m impressed by their enthusiasm, showing that I think I’m handsome can actually make children have nightmares for a month, smile, pull a Grenade and pull a red button and wave it at them hard. "Make sure it’s cooked!"
Twenty meters away, even the recruits who just joined the army will not be under great pressure to prepare a Grenade to hit each other’s head. When a Grenade hits the helmet of an anti-aircraft machine gun shooter by mistake, he can catch a roar when he sees clearly what hit his old man’s distinguished head, his eyes are bigger than pig urine bubbles! Then the Grenade exploded, but the power was very poor.
Bomb body explodes for several four or five pieces, hundreds of blue arcs are twisted and twisted, and it rushes out of Fiona Fang for more than ten meters, crawling around in this range, and four or five paws are covered with lonely, piercing screams, and become a piece of black charcoal column. People jump three feet high, make exaggerated gestures, then foaming at the mouth, fall to the ground, get out more air, and don’t know whether they are dead or alive. Anyway, their hair is like hedgehogs, and their fingers are quite angry. Don’t say that these poor guys even my whole body is numb. The guy who developed this Grenade must be crazy I didn’t care about my scalp. I rushed over to hide behind the anti-aircraft machine gun shield in three steps and two steps. The submachine gun shells slammed and the shield clanged. However, regardless of grabbing the landing gear crank, I turned the anti-aircraft machine gun into a flat-fire state and pulled the trigger against the monkey defense position with close claws!
Hey, hey, hey, hey-
127 mm double anti-aircraft machine gun suddenly jumped out of two roads more than a foot long, and the strong recoil made my body lean back! Large-caliber heavy machine gun shells roared like two fire dragons across the defensive positions and rolled over the claw depression. At the moment when the soldiers were licked by the fire dragons, the whole body burst like an extra-large firecrackers, and the blood and meat pieces were mixed into a blood rain, splashing nine meters away! Anti-aircraft gun bullets swept through the lush trees in the hidden forest. The thick base of the bowl of the anti-aircraft gun position was interrupted by one shot, and the white flowers, wood thorns and tree juice were mixed with blood fog and splashed out. The anti-aircraft guns were swept through the forest like an iron broom. Those who were sweeping the anti-aircraft guns against the chaos were dumb one by one, and the artillery and gunners danced in a dynamic break dance in the metal storm. In this last dance, the pieces were smashed to pieces, sticky and greasy, and the pieces were covered with anti-aircraft guns. Their screams and screams once overwhelmed the anti-aircraft gun roar!
Don’t you guys like killing people, punk? Aren’t you good at killing? Now I’m always breaking into you alone, and you’re here to kill me? If you can’t kill me, I will kill you!
A few monkeys flanked the submachine guns, playing anti-aircraft machine guns in a series of sweeps. Mars took two bullets in my vest, fell down and pulled out the pistol and pulled the trigger at them. Compared with anti-aircraft machine guns, the nine-millimeter self-defense pistol gun was not inferior at all. The powerful recoil almost broke my wrist, and it was even worse for the gunman to be so uncomfortable to get shot. The first shot hit a cat with a waist and rushed over tactically. The head of a very experienced guy burst with his helmet, mixed with blood and sprayed two brains. Mido was beheaded. The second marksmanship was accurate, and he shot me in the chest. The pain made me tremble all over, but my hand was as stable as a compass. The pistol hit this guy’s chest and smashed his bulletproof vest. He made a big hole in his chest.
One man flew backwards, and there were only two left! Without waiting for me to turn around the gun, six rotating heavy machine guns came near the gun. It was heart-rending and roared without a crack. A fire dragon with a bowl mouth several hundred meters thick roared and swept over. In less than half a second, these two poor bastards were chopped to pieces. It was not easy to find a piece of meat weighing more than half a catty from them. A humanoid tank rushed at me and shouted, "Boss, are you okay?"
I’m in good health after exercise, and the performance of the bulletproof vest is excellent. I’m not injured. The kinetic energy of the submachine gun is relatively weak. It feels like being stung by a wasp. It hurts, but it can’t hurt me. I smiled. "Nothing, but if you come a little later, something will happen."
Shandong hey hey smiled, "I was caught in a parachute, otherwise I would be faster." Six rotating heavy machine guns were aimed at the opposite gentle slope, and the figure dragon rolled up wildly. The gentle slope was suddenly shrouded in flying sand and broken branches and leaves, like a strong wind blowing in an attempt to condescend towards us. The monkey with fire claws was blown to pieces without even screaming, and the golf course Houyi automatic rifle and triple individual rapid-fire gun roared, and more and more soldiers of the flag brigade successfully landed and defended the golf course. There was a firefight with the pawpaw monkey. The pawpaw monkey put some defense forces here. These guys would pull the trigger against the sky. We didn’t even count the five slag in front of us. We hit the golf course with fierce firepower and soon the bodies were everywhere.
I was carrying a sniper gun and braving stray bullets to climb a sniper point. As soon as I set up the sniper gun, I heard the squadron leader’s walkie-talkie calling, "Heavy sniper, pay attention to six tanks and eleven armored vehicles coming out and shoot them!"
Armored troops came so soon? This is unexpected. I hit the individual detection unit, but not in the middle camp direction. There are more than a dozen armored vehicles rumbling this way in an attempt to crush us while we are on shaky footing! The escort fleet has got 77 weapons to attack the ground, and now we are sparing no effort to destroy the fence, minefield and barbed wire in the middle camp. We can deal with these antiques on our own! I aimed at the first trigger machine gun, which was comparable to the roar of a light rocket launcher. air billow blew the sniper position into the sky. If it was three meters, someone would be injured by this air billow! As long as a centimeter, the tungsten steel armor-piercing bullet flashed by, and the front armor of the tank shook slightly, and a big ball of sparks burst out. If things went on, no one knew that the cockpit had become a slaughterhouse, and the tungsten steel armor-piercing bullet was impartial, right in the middle of the tank driver. The poor man’s body was blown to pieces, and the plasma was splashed all over him! This is not to mention that this armor-piercing projectile has been in a semi-melting state when it passes through armor, and it is mixed with armor fragments, and it seems to be swept by a large-caliber shotgun.
Boom a gun, like a body out of a large area of blood fell motionless.
Sniper guns are all good, but they are too easy to be exposed. Only one shot away, two kilometers away, the enemy found me. An officer pointed to the sniper point and puffed up steam, smoke and dust and screamed, "There is a sniper! Kill him for me! " The words sound just fell and another sniper gun roared. In front of the soldiers in claw depression, this guy who was trying to flash behind the tank was blown into a ball of blood and rain on the spot. To recognize him, he had to do dna identification. Several heavy snipers fired one after another. The six tanks looked very imposing. One after another, the armored soldiers were flying around. In less than a minute, it was even worse for those guys who hitchhiked on the tank surface. Several small-caliber anti-aircraft guns were manipulated by special forces to sweep an airtight barrage towards these self-confessed families who were two kilometers away. Even if they wanted to jump the tank, they didn’t have it.
A tank company is reimbursed like this?
Major-General Mudiyanto felt a chill rushing straight to his forehead, and the fear was so terrible that icehouse shuddered. The other side’s combat effectiveness was completely subverted. His understanding of special forces was terrible. Even if he fought head-on with mechanized troops, he wouldn’t fall off! His judgment was correct, but it was too late.
From the west to the south, dense guns and tank main guns roared. Cobra special forces stormed from the northwest cheetah brigade from the north at the same time. Some snipers landed directly on the roof of Zhongying high-rise building. Without saying anything, the claw-depression soldiers repeatedly pulled the trigger. Every shot must have a claw-depression soldier hit the ground, which aggravated the chaos. The minefield was blown out by gas bombs, and the walls of several passages were blown down. Temporary guest mechanized troops rushed in from these gaps. The claw-depression soldiers were horrified to find that there were not only paratroopers, armored vehicles, but also land fire platforms between tanks and self-propelled artillery These steel behemoths have no regard for the safety of the hostages, but they can’t shoot anyone, but the shells are not deadly shrapnel, but the color and taste of anesthetic gas. In the dull explosion, the pawpaw soldiers fell down in batches like the hostages. The soldiers who dared to shoot at the land fire platform while knocking out the fire dragged the comatose hostages to the safe place in the pawpaw monkeys, so they didn’t have such a good life. Either they were killed by special guns or they were run over by more than ten tons of land fire platforms and turned into meat sauce. Anyway, they didn’t die a natural death! In order to drive the flag brigade out of the golf course, Major General Moody transferred the most elite troops of the garrison in Zhongying, leaving most of them as second-rate troops. It is conceivable that the garrison in Zhongying claw depression will soon fall into the land grab …
Chapter XII Rescue (4)
The formidable roar of the sniper gun continued. Major General Mudiyanto worked hard to adjust armored vehicles one after another, and they were blown up and turned into piles of burning scrap iron. Seeing that their own tanks and armored vehicles became softer than tofu in front of the flag brigade, whoever hit them wore them as they liked, and the soldiers in the claw depression stared at each other and let out a scream! Oh, my God. Are they really fighting the special forces of the Chinese army? Why do you feel that you are resisting alien invasion? Look at the 12.7 mm automatic rifle that can fire thousands of rounds per minute. Look at the six-barrel rotating heavy machine gun and the triple-mounted individual rapid-fire gun. Can the automatic rifle in their hands be regarded as a fire stick? With their shells splashing, they missed. Even if they hit the special forces of the Chinese army, their bodies leaned back slightly, and then a string of granite bullets that could penetrate nearly 30 centimeters thick swept over. How can we fight this battle when we hit which bullet can often penetrate four or five people?
An armored personnel carrier crashed into the wreckage of a burning vehicle, spewing out two long chains of fire and rushing towards the front line of the flag brigade. Major General Mudiyanto roared, "Come back! Idiots, do you want to die! "
No one could hear the roar of the Major General. This armored personnel carrier, which seems to have killed its red eye, rushed forward for 300 meters in one breath and made progress. Then a grenade launcher fired a 5 mm miniature anti-tank missile and turned it into a black laser. The left corner of the armored personnel carrier body exploded with a ball of fire, and a piece of track was blown up and it couldn’t run any longer. The driver shouted, "Hurry up," but there was no chance to say it again. At the same time, several Houyi automatic rifles in the distance fired tungsten. Core armor-piercing bullets poke holes in the front of the chariot like chopsticks and tofu, with a small size of one-dollar coins. With a large number of armor fragments, the first bullet broke the driver’s neck. A dozen soldiers who attacked the claw depression by car gave a scream and hit them. They blew up clouds of choking blood and fog. The body was torn to pieces by terrible kinetic energy. The soldier who was closest to the car door flashed and just wanted to jump to break the armor and hit his spine. His hands flew out, but it was a bust.
Looking at the bloody half of the body flying out of the troop transport vehicle, I lay prone to avoid the enemy’s fierce fire, which was almost abnormal. The soldiers’ pockets were tumbling over the river, and the Adam’s apple stirred up. I almost didn’t spit out the overnight meal. Some poor people who had never seen blood were confused. Obviously, Major General Mudiyanto also felt a chill. After playing for so long, his troops had no way to rush over and fight with the flag brigade, and the distance between them was 600 to 1000 meters. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers in the claw depression were hard to play except to hear a sound.
Blood special forces can enjoy the advantages of equipment and training, and kill them like shooting, and beat the soldiers in claw depression to pieces one by one!
The soldiers of the flag brigade who descended to the golf course were only one company, and he had enough in his hand to close to two battalions. It was incredible that one company held down two battalions to fight, but such an incredible thing did happen. The Major General of the golf course was angry and regretted-there was nothing to build a golf course! This is simply convenient for the enemy!
Two elite infantry battalions were beaten by the flag brigade, and it was not easy for the middle battalion to cross the line. A battalion commander nicknamed Eagle reported sharply, "General, the enemy is attacking!" Their fierce firepower, large numbers of troops and recklessness have made the United Nations ban chemical weapons almost unstoppable ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ! !”
Major General Mudiyanto’s eyelids were pounding and his heart almost went on strike-you never heard the last scream of the battalion commander’s adult. You absolutely can’t imagine a big man screaming so emotionally, so loud and so masculine! And the eagle? When he heard his last scream, Major General suspected that it was a cock that was suddenly exploded by someone …
Major-General, in a critical situation, has neglected whether the eagle has degenerated into a rooster. The bold command "Be sure to hold them for me and drive them out!" If they save the hostages, I swear I will shoot you first and then apologize to the president! "
The guy who is both an eagle and a rooster cried in tears, "I can’t hold it!" They worked hard to put poison gas. I don’t know how many soldiers were unconscious after inhaling poison gas, and then they were run over by tanks. Even I was shot … "
Major General Mudiyanto roared like thunder, "Cut the crap and hold on to my horse and bring people back to support you!" Bad results dialogue roar loud "we withdraw! Go back and catch those Chinese pigs as meat shields and see if they dare to shoot us! "
The soldiers who had already been beaten by the ensign brigade were frightened and pawed, and the firepower of the ensign brigade was slightly suppressed, and then they were not stupid to roll and climb back. The strength gap was too great. They were beaten with the ensign brigade, and they didn’t hurt anyone’s hair. It was better to return to the middle camp and grab a group of hostages to bargain with the Chinese special forces. Maybe they could hold on until the reinforcements arrived. It was because everyone knew that they had a hope of survival by fleeing back to the middle camp. As a result, the fierce fire of the flag brigade swept from behind and rushed to escape. The soldiers in the claw depression were swept down by rows of bloody pieces, which in turn aggravated their fear of leaving in less than a minute.
Retreat becomes a great escape.
Want to escape? It’s not that easy
Mid-team leader to drink "give me chase! Rush to the bayonet and stab them to death! " Copy the Houyi automatic rifle and kill it like a whirlwind. Less than 90 soldiers followed him, and the wind swept away the fallen leaves, killing the deserters in the claw depression. The 12.7 mm caliber bullets were strung and swept to the back of the claw depression monkey to break them in two! In this way, these dead monkeys can escape faster. Most people are afraid to turn around and shoot us when they die. They have been scared to death!
Major General Mudiyanto is a lucky guard. He has escaped to Zhongying, but others are not so lucky. They are less than a third alive. Worst of all, they just stepped into Zhongying flag brigade and rushed in! This means that not only did he fail to help, but he was also beaten back, and the Chinese garrison attracted a terrible enemy …
When the Major General returned to Zhongying, he was depressed and found that the tide was gone. At the same time, Cobra Special Forces and Cheetah Special Forces rushed into Zhongying to kill, and at the same time, a large number of narcotic poison gas were released. In Zhongying, the fog churned, and a large number of soldiers and Chinese fell into a coma. This suspicion was very effective in avoiding the tragedy of accidental injury. The special forces sprinted and fell down in groups to shoot and bomb, which was like a crazy tiger, to prevent the hostages from being accidentally injured after ejecting and piercing the soldiers’ bodies. Every bullet they fired was genuine, and when they hit the human body, they
The land fire platform fired artillery shells at every door, and the smoke burst out with the muzzle of the 122-mm-caliber high-pressure smooth-bore gun. The door claws of the monkeys and the Chinese lost their screams, but the explosive power of the artillery shells was so weak that they made people cry. Few people were injured-of course, it was not without a deep explosion, and the anesthetic gas of Sevoflurane spread to the people inside, regardless of friends and enemies, and they were put down in a few seconds to save people. This time, the Chinese army was really bloody, and those expensive and stunned equipment seemed to be smashed without money.
Some of the more savvy people rushed into the room to seize the hostages and rushed to kill them. The special forces shouted, "Shoot! Don’t push me or I’ll kill him! "
Commandos glances really put a gun in the back, but it didn’t go off. After a few seconds, the hostage-taker and the hostage fell limply together. Before the commandos, they carried the hostage away, pulled out their pistols and repeatedly pulled the trigger on the monkey’s head, which slept more dead than a pig, until it turned into a pile of classes.
Like a smashed watermelon.
The arrival of the flag brigade directly pushed the monkey, who was already in hot water, into the abyss of despair. The lethality of the Houyi automatic rifle was so amazing and so advanced. One by one, the recalcitrant fighters were shot through the wall with sediment into the chest, and a rocket exploded. After the gunshot, the residual firepower points were beaten dumb one by one, and the soldiers’ flesh and blood made the wall scarlet. The nickname eagle battalion commander ran to Major General Mu Diyanto with a sad face, waving and biting off three fingers, and his right hand hissed. All the hostage-taking areas have been captured by the Chinese army. What should I do if I am still alive? "
Major-General Mu Diyanto gritted his teeth and said, "Let’s withdraw! Go meet the main force and adjust the heavy artillery to kill all these Chinese pigs! "
It can also be like this. The eagle can also command only two or three hundred people. He commanded these two or three hundred people to rush toward the weak area of the Chinese special forces regardless of casualties. Obviously, the Chinese army did not take the annihilation of the enemy as the first priority. A gap eagle rushed out to protect the major general without much effort. Of course, this also means that the organized resistance in the middle camp has stopped. Although the star guns have been ringing all the time, most of the time it is the Chinese special forces who shot and inhaled toxic gas. The resistance of the soldiers in the claw depression has been extremely weak and finally disappeared completely.

Robert Dans

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