Now Tang Si-tui and Shen should be too frightened to know what to do, which is equivalent to Shi Hao running the university alone.

Perhaps Shi Hao himself didn’t expect that he actually became the most powerful man in the Southern Song Dynasty from the evening of April 29th to noon on April 30th.
Shi Hao is the only person in Zaifu’s team who can keep calm and make reasonable judgments.
During this period, even Zhao Shen, the most ambitious person in the past, refused to admit defeat. He was so confused that he could not think. Shi Hao gave his opinion and was adopted by him.
Shi Hao made several pertinent suggestions.
A request Lin’ an to enter the state of face alert, the imperial palace guards represent the emperor to appear in the streets and lanes of Lin’ an to carry out the strictest alert orders, but anyone who appears in the streets for no reason will be arrested and executed.
Immediately call on the coastal areas to deploy 20 thousand troops to return to Lin’ an to help defend, abandon coastal defense and directly consolidate Lin’ an city’s defense. The highest criterion for preserving Lin’ an city must not be wrong
Third, please invite Yang Zhong, who is living in Lin ‘an, to reorganize the troops owned by Lin ‘an City in a unified way, except for the palace guards, and reorganize the royal camp. Yang Zhong, the commander of the royal camp, is responsible for security.
All materials in the four cities are in a state of deployment, and all materials are not allowed to be bought and sold privately, and all materials are allowed to be distributed officially. People have to pay for food and have to live through the Yugoslav capital. There is no money.
After these four suggestions were adopted by Zhao Shen and promulgated and implemented, the order of Lin ‘an City was slightly stabilized.
Veteran Yang Zhong is highly respected. He came forward to lead the Lin ‘an city army. Lin ‘an city army is angry with him.
Seeing that he didn’t leave and paid the warehouse money to reward the soldiers, the morale of the city gradually settled down
With the army, Lin’ an city can’t be chaotic no matter how chaotic it is. Military force is the best umbrella for order.
Shi Hao’s action quickly stabilized the chaos in front of Lin ‘an city to the extreme, but at the same time, Lin ‘an city entered an unprecedented state of alert.
In this state of alert, an army pioneer arrived outside Lin ‘an in early May.
Lin ‘an City, the nominal capital, was approached and threatened by foreign troops for the second time since the small court of Southern Song Dynasty exiled to Jiangnan.
Chapter 76 I don’t want to be a surrender gentleman
After the vanguard troops arrived in Lin ‘an, they first made investigations outside Lin ‘an, and openly raised the flag of war and circled Lin ‘an City to show off their strength and show off their exploits to Song Shoujun of Lin ‘an City.
So the morale of the Song soldiers in the city was low
Yang Zhong was very angry when he saw it, and immediately made Chengtou set up a bed crossbow to bombard the army cavalry outside the city.
But there is no effect if the crossbow root can’t be hit without the high-speed action of the cavalry.
The appearance of the vanguard of the army represents the coming of a large army. Song Bing was afraid that the morale of the army would be shaken, and nothing serious happened because of Yang Zhongwei’s hope.
At this moment, the small court in the Southern Song Dynasty has also become a mess
Except for a small number of clueless people, the court kept asking for a fight to the death with the army. Most courtiers asked the emperor to make peace with the army and stop the war.
Don’t fight again. It’s not good for the Southern Song Dynasty to fight again. This war just shouldn’t have happened. It’s still so miserable now. Why should we continue to fight?
What must be against the military being stronger than the nomads?
Some of them have completely forgotten how they refuted the country’s request for new year’s currency in the first place.
They were not ashamed to join the peace camp at once, and urged the emperor to beg and sign a peace treaty with the country, and they would do their best to exchange peace no matter what the cost.
Even if you spend some money?
Spend some money without shame!
If we go to Lin ‘an again, everyone will become prisoners, and then it will be really over!
Former officials did not dare to see Shi Hao’s defeat and Huzhou still had hope to change the war situation, but now Huzhou has no army under siege, and Lin ‘an will be surrounded. They expressed their fear of peace talks because of fear.
These requests for peace and table playing were like bullets shooting at Zhao Shen’s body, which made him bloodied all over and made him miserable.
He was in pain because of Huzhou’s fiasco. Now the army is in Lin ‘an, and the courtiers have no fighting spirit. The situation makes him even more miserable.
He also wants to continue to stick to Lin’ an and swear not to surrender, which shows the will of the new emperor and intends Lin’ an City to bring down the military logistics.
However, his will was severely shaken when he watched the spectacular scene of the flag being lowered in the Manchu Dynasty. No matter how persistent he was, he could not defeat the army alone. He needed help from his civil servants, advice from his generals, courage from his courage, and soldiers to forge ahead bravely to win.
But now he seems to have himself left.
He wondered if he should have listened to Shi Hao’s advice from the beginning and shouldn’t have fought this war without victory. He might have discussed peace talks early in the morning, not to mention letting the enemy all arrive in the city, and then talked about a more demanding condition [city alliance]
Moreover, the city alliance is the most humiliating and sufficient to destroy the dignity of a king. At that time, Song Zhenzong even closed Mount Tai to try to cover up the quality of the city alliance in Chanyuan.
Of course, the result was criticized.
Zhao Shen was unwilling to let himself suffer such humiliation just after he ascended the throne and become a disgraced emperor, but he knew that he seemed to have no choice.
At noon on the second day of May, the main army arrived outside Lin ‘an to clean up the military facilities and defense points outside Lin ‘an. Thor guns and big rockets brought violent explosions that shocked everyone in Lin ‘an.
After a violent explosion, the army soldiers dispatched ingenious cooperation and skillful tactics to pull out all the strongholds in Song Jun outside the city. Even the experienced Yang Zhong set up defensive tactics and did not support the army to attack day and night.
At noon on May 3rd, the army cleared Song Jun’s defensive stronghold outside Lin ‘an City. Song Jun was either killed or captured outside the city, and no one escaped into Lin ‘an City-of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Lin ‘an City has no gates.
So the army successfully completed the encirclement of Lin’ an City.
There is no way out for Zhao Shen. So far, even if he holds peace talks, the nature of the peace talks will become extremely shameful.
Zhao Shen once again found Shi Hao and faced Shi Hao Zhao Shen with tears.
"Teacher, am I really wrong?"
Shi Hao could not say such words as "True Wrong" in the face of tears.
He can sigh deeply.
On personal performance, Zhao Shen was much better than Zhao Gou, and he insisted on resisting until the last moment. If Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others met the emperor when they were alive, maybe Dasong had recovered the Central Plains.
However, history has no ifs.
Shi Hao can comfort him.
"No one can deny that courage and responsibility, which are unwilling to kneel to the country and bear humiliation, can be regarded as wrong. Courage is urgently needed in the Song Dynasty. No one can deny that I will argue with him to the end."
Zhao Shen looked up at Shi Hao.
"The teacher also thinks that my practice is wrong?"
Shi Hao bowed his head in silence
For a long time Zhao Shen wiped her tears and laughed at it.
"I don’t want to surrender, Jun. I don’t want to do what I used to hate the most. I can turn Gankun around when I become emperor, but now it seems that I still know too much."

Robert Dans

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