Chapter 3 3 Tank 4

"that principle of the British empire support the German people’s desire for national security and understand their efforts to protect the motherland! ……”
"The British government once again reiterated its support for the German people out of the shadow of war! ……”
"The so-called" hades plan "skeptical! I firmly believe that this is a scam by conspirators who undermine peace and affect regional stability! ……”
"The British government will continue to believe in Germany and cooperate in many fields! The Royal Navy will strive to ensure the safety of German merchant ships! ……”
"The emperor bless the people of Britain and Germany! ……”
In the afternoon, Smith, the military attache of the British Embassy, called a grand press conference on behalf of the British government, the British Foreign Office and the British Royal Navy, and delivered it to the reporter’s flash.
The Great German Party endured humiliation and finally ushered in the "exposure of the hades project" and successfully solved the international isolation. Germany’s diplomatic barriers were broken by Britain and Germany became an ally recognized by Britain.
The politicians who tried to force the national defense forces to hand over the command were dumbfounded. They were called "bloody night". On that night, more than a dozen leaders died, but they got nothing, not even the most basic sympathy. People called these traitors who betrayed their own politicians to abuse and spit on them.
"Now you’ve won back your advantage," tukhachevsky watched as he poured wine. arcado said with a smile, "It’s not very cheap to drink your wine. Who will make up for our Soviet losses?"
"all right! General tukhachevsky, don’t get cheap and tell! Getting close to the technical support of two submarines is not a small project. "arcado also laughed." Throwing a plan to cover up the truth of another plan to cover up the truth is the highest intelligence war. "
"Don’t kiss my ass!" Tukhachevsky more heart to laugh "you are the highest intelligence war master! You sell one piece of information but make two countries more dependent on you at the same time. "
"Let’s not flatter each other!" Arcado waved his hand and said with a smile, "You must have some important questions to ask me besides saying goodbye this time."
"How do you know?" Tukhachevsky one leng.
Pointed to his temple arcado laughed "consciously".
"I really want to know what you are secretly allied with us to help our Soviet Union carry out infrastructure construction, and why you are always flirting with the British?" Tukhachevsky looked at arcado doubtfully. "You know, in many cases, the end result of courting both sides is to be isolated by both sides at the same time."
He drank the last sip of wine and got up and said, "One day you will suffer from this situation! Personally, I suggest that you choose one side and turn it over completely so that you can get real allies. "
Then he walked out of arcado’s office.
"You are wrong! My friend! " Arcado also swallowed the last sip of wine in his mouth, and then there was a voice he could hear whispering, "It is true that there will be no true friends when there is a source, but it still has an ending, that is, killing all false friends together."
Arcado put an end to the "exposure of the project hades" and sent off tukhachevsky and his party. The members of the Soviet delegation can have a rest for themselves, but this coming year of 1929 is bound to be an eventful year.
In the spring of this year, on April 11th, 1929, his ambition expanded and he became increasingly dissatisfied with the allocation of resources in his country. Saudi Arabia launched a "unified war" against several small tribes around him. This war was tacitly supported by Germany, Britain, France and other countries. In exchange for more oil, German rifles, British tanks, French helmets … Several arms were rented by the German Hercules transport ship and transported to the Middle East, and several oil and US dollars were transported to European countries.
Britain commissioned Germany to build two battleships "Handsome" and "Perfect" Kiel to lay the keel. Britain paid 160,000 pounds for this, and these two new battleships will adopt new double-mounted turrets and be equipped with German precision shooting sights to fight against the red political Soviet-class battleships.
The British people are very depressed because the cost of the battleship King George V is only 740,000 pounds, but an information from the Baltic Shipyard in Leningrad, the Soviet Union, forced Britain to pay the bill for two battleships, the German Bismarck and the German Erpitz.
But what really kept arcado busy was that Mercedes-Benz finally came up with a nearly perfect design, which made arcado determined to try to mass-produce the future main chariot of the German armored forces-the new German chariot No.4 tank code-named "Plan No.4" was finally designed.
This kind of tank can be said to be an industrial leader of this era, combining arcado’s previous life design experience. This kind of tank can be perfectly shaped.
It has a whole car body with an inclined armor plate at the front end, and the thickness reaches an astonishing 5 mm. The car body is supported by six pairs of large-diameter load-bearing wheels-compared with the later generation of 34, it has an extra pair of load-bearing wheels to cope with the weight change brought by the wider car body.
This new design and the adoption of wide track and large-diameter load-bearing wheels by different tanks in Germany make the female staggered track structure adapt to more complicated muddy warfare environment and harsh road standards.
According to the habit of German tank drivers, this No.4 tank has five members, namely, the driver, the crew, the gunner, the loader and the conductor. This is very reasonable. The tank members in World War II can process information quickly and fight stably for a long time.
The new type of tank suspension purchased from Christie in the United States and improved from Germany has greatly improved the maneuverability and reliability of this tank, which is better than various other suspension systems that Germany has been secretly developing.
In order to adapt to this suspension system, the large-diameter load-bearing wheel and the inclined front armor plate, the German tank made the gearbox rear layout for the first time, which made the tank turret slightly forward instead of arranging the middle of the tank body like the No.3 tank. Of course, according to arcado’s proposal, a basket was welded directly behind the tank turret to hold some tank soldiers’ sundries. This practical design also slightly corrected the beautiful position of the German tank turret.
The only regret for arcado is that this kind of tank still makes gasoline engine power instead of diesel engine. Although diesel engine has many advantages, the power is stronger and more reliable, but due to a series of problems such as German resources and habits, this tank can temporarily make gasoline engine propulsion-this is a small personal regret for arcado.
The most important thing is that this tank has a large and angular welded turret, which is enough to accommodate a 75 mm short-tube gun-this was enough to destroy the existing tank vehicles in 1929 and it can be replaced with subsequent more powerful tank guns at any time if necessary.
It can be said that this is a pair of pants that you can wear when you are fatter. There is a spare fuel tank in the engine compartment. Its turret is enlarged to make the staff more comfortable. Its speed is much slower because of the enlarged car body, but it is still the most powerful super chariot in Germany.
The most important thing about this tank is that it is cheap, the cost is simple and the production process is simple. This tank is producing the No.3 tank, which consumes almost the same time and the process is simpler. The protection level has greatly increased and it has more powerful firepower. The most important thing is that it has a broader improvement.
It is somewhat depressing that the combat weight of this tank has exceeded 3 tons, reaching an astonishing 33 tons. Its weight can be regarded as a behemoth among the tanks and chariots of this era. In comparison, its predecessor tank No.3 only weighs more than 21 tons.
However, arcado still encourages this weight breakthrough. He knows very well that the weight of 3 to 4 tons of tanks in the coming war is reasonable and is the weight of mainstream medium-sized tanks.
Arcado is very satisfied with this design. This kind of tank can be said to be an enlarged 34-car body equipped with a leopard tank turret. It combines the power advantages of German tank sighting gun. The manufacturing process of Soviet tanks in the past was simple and reliable. Once it appeared in the battlefield, it became a world tank design model.
So arcado ordered Krupp Factory and Mercedes-Benz to jointly produce this new type of chariot, and named this tank "Leopard" in person. It is expected that by the beginning of 1933, the National Defence Force will equip 7 new types of chariots to replace the No.3 chariot and become the standard equipment of the German armored forces.
There are many armored commanders in arcado and guderian who are different from each other in this era. Instead of focusing on dividing tanks into two categories: "support tanks" and "fighting tanks", they concentrate on developing "sniper tanks" to deal with enemy tanks-arcado, who supports infantry fighters, is ready to hand them all over to the German new equipment "No.3 assault gun".
However, just as arcado was planning the production and equipment of the No.4 tank of the National Defence Force, a news that shocked him came, which suddenly caused an inestimable setback to arcado’s career on steaming day.
Chapter 4 Did you come or not?
"What did you say?" Arcado was shocked and stood there unaware that the files in his hand had fallen.
"General, I’m sorry for your loss." Anna bowed her head and said with a painful voice.
"I’m not asking you to send someone to take care of him? How can it be so fast? " Arcado frowned and stared at Anna
"Sent to people really have tried my best! We found the best doctor, "Anna continued with a light sob," but he has been worried about the aggravation of the illness caused by overwork in Plan 4 recently … "
"Stop it!" Arcado waved and interrupted Anna’s report "You go out! Leave me alone. "
I can’t help but feel that arcado is not sad. His loyal supporters have been teaching him to support him like his elders. Carl? Mr. Lutz passed away. The old man devoted his whole life to the German motor vehicle industry and gave his contacts and funds to his favorite young man, arcado.
Arcado felt very strong. He tried his best to avoid Carl’s death, but Mr. Carl still fell. In the spring of 1929, he gave it to Carl? Watts made more efforts and suggestions for better medical conditions, but he also Jeancard? Watts is more tired, more heart and more aging.
At this moment, he has a sad idea whether he will make efforts to strengthen the German Defence Force by himself, and in the end, he will still fall short.
"Anna! Arrange for me. I’m going to arrange Mr. Lutz’s funeral myself. Besides, can you contact Robert for me? Mr. Adams, I’ll order him to be the general manager of the new Mercedes-Benz company. "arcado called his assistant Anna" to give Mr. Bates’ family 5% shares in Mercedes-Benz to ensure that they have food, clothing and worry about their lives! Is it white? "
"yes! General! Please take care of yourself! The German people still need you! " Anna gave a German gift and said
"I see, you go," arcado said with a wave.
"general! Four people from the German Joint Chamber of Commerce have asked you to meet. They want to know when the sewing needle plan will be rewarded. "Syndra came in with a large pile of documents and said while putting them on the table.
"A group of bastards who know they want money! Carl? Mr. Bates just closed his eyes! Won’t they come back at a suitable time? Go away! Tell them all to roll for me! " Arcado hammered the table and roared. Syndra saw a glittering and translucent falling from the eyes of the man who had been laughing and growing up the Wehrmacht.
"yes! General "Syndra turned and walked away.

Robert Dans

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