"Cut … also said that others are playboys. You don’t seem to be bad yourself. It really is the same smell!" Windson suddenly sarcastically blue beibei aside could not help but "poof bursts" a smile.

Kate hates it when people say that he is a playboy in front of beautiful women. "Lin Feng, you stinky little guy, is not a good product. You have no right to say me!"
"Okay, okay, it’s all the same school. You two don’t have to eat dog and let people see the joke." Zhao Rulong frowned and appealed.
"Who do you call a dog?" Kate immediately shifted the target and stared at Zhao Rulong and asked
"Lao Zhao, you are very arrogant. Stop talking and see you at an old place!" Windson also words with a straight face.
Zhao Rulong heard windson’s words and then the horse pulled a long face. Situliu around him smiled and looked at Zhao Rulong with a little schadenfreude and a little misery loves company. It was very strange and made Zhao Rulong look creepy.
Just when the "Dream Four Masters" were in full swing, an official of the tournament organizing committee came in with a middle-aged man in a black military uniform. Everyone in the meeting room immediately got up. Lieutenant General, you always have to give some noodles and then you have to mix it with others. Lin Feng muttered in your heart.
"Everyone is here. Hehe, don’t be nervous. Sit down!" The middle-aged man in black military uniform said with a smile that the sound was loud and sonorous and full of penetrating power.
After the two leaders sat down, Lin Feng and other talents sat down.
"I’d like to introduce you to the Lieutenant General around me. He is Lieutenant General Rand, the vice president of the Federal Central Military Academy. This time, he came to talk to you on behalf of the military department." The official of the organizing committee of the tournament first introduced.
Lieutenant General Rand is estimated to be 2oo years old, tall and burly, with a golden curly hair neatly combed, resolute and sharp-eyed, but at the moment he seems very friendly and smiles and says to everyone, "Hello, everyone is a hero and a teenager. I have watched your game, and everyone has outstanding strength and I have to make people sit up and take notice!"
After hearing this, everyone smiled modestly and waited for Wen without speaking.
"Well, I won’t bother you any more. I want to talk to you. You already know that every strong player in the fighting competition of the University Games can get the opportunity to be recruited into the army. What I want to know now is whether you have joined the army to defend the Federation?" Rand will ask
"It’s an honor for the general to join the army!" Harry Green, chief executive of Rainbow Star, said first.
"When is it his turn to speak for us? Who is he? " Windson and others are very dissatisfied. They all look at each other and see the same meaning from each other’s eyes, but the dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction. On the surface, they all cooperate and say, "Yes, yes, that’s right." Ma Han also nodded his head in agreement.
In fact, Lin Feng and others had already passed the air before the fighting competition. Everyone had the idea of joining the military. After all, the interstellar situation is very complicated now, and the Earth Federation is preparing to counterattack Huang Yuanxing. This is a good opportunity to make contributions.
"Very well, this is the consciousness and demeanor that our earth federal college students should have," Lieutenant General Rand said with relief. "Since everyone has the idea of entering the army, I will give you some details about the special recruitment. Since you are still college students and know nothing about military knowledge, it is impossible to send you directly to the army. Therefore, I will transfer your files for review first. If you pass, you will be transferred to the Federal Central Military Academy in early September this year and directly awarded the title of warrant officer. What students need to consider now is what major they are going to study, and different academic systems are also different, the most special of which is the mecha manipulator. I know that several of you want to be mecha manipulators, hehe. "
Rand federal specially see Lin Fengcai continued, "it’s not easy to be a qualified mecha operator. All mecha operators are selected from various federal services, and the elite is not just a high level of fighting."
"Lieutenant General, what should I do to become a mecha operator?" Blue beibei suddenly curious asked
"Why? Do you want to be a mecha operator, too, little girl? " Rand will be a little strange. Although the mecha manipulator does not limit gender, there are very few women who want to be mecha manipulators for various objective reasons.
"Yes, I also want to be a beautiful and excellent mecha operator like Angeli!" Blue beibei said with a face of longing
Angel Lee in Blue Beibei’s mouth is called the most beautiful female mecha manipulator in the Earth Federation. She is not only beautiful but also very strong. She is one of the top ten ace mecha manipulators in the Federation and an idol worshipped by all girls in the Federation.
"How ambitious!" Rand will give the thumbs-up sign to Blue Beibei. "But if you want to be a mecha operator, you can do it by talking about it. If you want to be a qualified mecha operator, you must participate in the training with those outstanding people selected from various services. There will be about six months here. If you are not suitable for the synthetic mecha operator, you will be eliminated immediately and returned to the original army. The training requirements are very strict and the passing rate is very low.
Because you guys were specially recruited into the army, if you were returned by instructors, it would mean that you directly lost your qualifications for special recruitment. It is impossible to transfer to other majors in military schools. It doesn’t mean that you can definitely become mecha operators even if you pass the training. You still need to enter the Federal Central Military Academy for special training and assessment. If you fail, you will be eliminated and returned. You should consider it clearly. "
After listening to the introduction of Lieutenant General Rand, everyone was very happy to be awarded the rank of warrant officer as soon as they entered the military school, but it was not surprising. After all, it belonged to the military’s special talents. No one wanted to start as a soldier, and the military could not afford to lose that face. However, Lin Feng, a few guys who wanted to be mecha operators, seemed a little dumbfounded. It seemed scary to say that they had to compete with some outstanding active servicemen in the federal army and pass the strict examination. If they went back to the dream university, they would not be laughed to death.
"Of course, if you choose to study other military majors, you still have to pass all kinds of assessment departments before you can really enter the army, or you will be returned, but the final assessment of other military majors is definitely not as abnormal as that of mecha pilots." Lieutenant General Rand said with a smile, "Well, I’ll give you three days to think about it, and then you can tell me what military majors you all want to study."
Don’t worry, don’t worry, continue to press the manuscript week …
Chapter sixty-one Choice
After the meeting with Lieutenant General Rand, Lin Feng stopped trying to sneak away. Situliu and Zhao Rulong took them to the old place to have a good "talk" with them. Kate certainly followed up when she saw the excitement.
Before Lin Feng was exposed, he was the "Dream Four Jies" in the lonely breeze. The friendly "conversations" were all one-on-one, but now the situation is different. After knowing the true strength of Lin Feng, Zhao Rulong and Situliu dare not ask for more, so Kate encouraged three people to "talk" with Lin Feng.
Kate won the seventh place in the fighting competition because of her poor swing. If it weren’t for the last game, Xian could not take part in the competition. I’m afraid he would be at the bottom of the competition. He was very unhappy. He thought for a long time that three against one was a good opportunity to kill Lin Feng and export evil spirits, so he readily agreed.
Windson also called in his opinion, there is little difference between one-on-one and one-on-three. Instead, one-on-three words can be more manipulative. At that time, the carelessness was concealed by Yin Yin. Windson’s anger has not been cleared yet, and he is planning to vent his anger in these three guys.
However, following Lin Feng to come over and want to see his lesson, Situliu Blue Beibei didn’t want to "talk" with those three annoying guys with Lin Feng. Zhao Rulong felt very angry about losing to Blue Beibei for the second time. At this time, I heard that Blue Beibei was also coming to butt in, but it was right in the middle. Although Situliu felt a little bad, it was also difficult for Zhao Rulong to reluctantly agree.
So a two-to-three bilateral conversation was held in a remote grove of Dream University. After more than half an hour of fierce "argument", the final result was that Zhao Rulong’s old hatred had not disappeared but added new hatred. Kate was in trouble and was taken care of by Blue Babe. Stuart Liu was black and blue, and the champion style of the fighting competition was gone.
Joke fighters don’t have one-on-one challenges. In addition to the challenges, the most popular are the competition and the team competition. It means that several fighters can have a winner in the same map. A better understanding is to pay attention to tacit understanding and team competition.
Lin Feng prefers to take part in the competition, where a large group of people kill him indiscriminately, which is very interesting. However, Lan Beibei likes to take part in the team competition. In her opinion, she takes Lin Feng and Dugu skyshatter to take part in the team competition, but it’s a good opportunity for her to abuse her opponents. In this kind of competition, Lan Beibei doesn’t have to consider the defensive tube and kill the defensive problem with one heart. Her two brothers will naturally help her solve how uncomfortable it is.
So from N games, Lin Fenglan Beibei’s tacit cooperation is complete, regardless of Lin Fengjiang’s strength, even if he is single-better than his teammates’ cooperation and tacit understanding, Zhao Rulong’s three miscellaneous armies are also vulnerable. Lin Fenglan is holding Lan Beibei down and waving a hearty blow to beat Zhao Rulong’s three people one by one, and they are complaining-
In fact, Lin Feng doesn’t need to think much about what mecha operators in the federal army are mainly responsible for guarding infiltration and destruction, and so on. Small-scale precision strikes tend to be the most convenient for Lin Feng to find his parents’ services and mecha operators in today’s army, because if he finds the army where the anti-federal organization base is located, he will definitely send mecha operators to find out the situation first, and then decide whether to attack directly or send intelligence personnel to collect more information. In this case, Lin Feng has no other choice.
After meeting with Lieutenant General Rand again, it was decided to become a mecha manipulator, including Lin Feng, Zhao Rulong and Ma Han. In the process of investigating the files of strong players, Lan Beibei was admitted by the military department, and now she is 17 years old and underage.
According to the federal law, today’s soldiers who want to become active duty must be at least one year old, so Lan Beibei regrets that she can’t join the army this year. However, Lieutenant General Rand also promised that she will retain the special qualification of Lan Beibei and send her to the military school when she grows up. Although Lan Beibei is disappointed that she can’t participate in the training of mecha operators with Lin Feng, she has to follow the federal law.
Situliu Kate King and Harry Green didn’t choose to be the mecha operator Lin Feng, which was not surprised. Although the mecha operator is the most dazzling star in the federal army, the mecha operator also has his own sufferings behind the radiant light.
First, the selection and training are extremely strict. Lieutenant General Rand will be eliminated if he is slightly unsuitable. Secondly, the special operations forces of the mecha’s control division will often perform some very dangerous deaths, and the proportion of deaths is also one of the highest in all federal services.

Robert Dans

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