On Sunday, I walked slowly to the side of the boulder and turned around it for three times. I saw that there were many vines around it. After thinking about it, I had an idea. I picked up those vines and turned around the boulder for seven feet. I saw that there were many large and small holes in the rock wall above my head. People pulled the vines in the distance and pulled the boulder hard, but he pulled it up and hung it high in the middle.

On Sunday, the boulder smiled and said, "The elder lost."
On Sunday, it was the large and small holes in the rock wall that dispersed the power of the boulder, and there was not much power left to easily pull it up.
My eyes are rolling around, and my heart is very confused. I want to admit it, but the facts are in front of me, so I can’t deny it myself.
Admit it, you have to hand over the fire in the sky and watch the tomb of the sunset be destroyed once. If you have been repaired for a thousand years, you will be wiped out in a flash. You should not be tempted by this person and lose your face in vain and limit yourself to a dilemma.
Sunday seemed to look out of the soul’s mind. That’s what he wanted. He made a wink at Yan Dihan and Liu Refeng. The two men understood that the gas fusion of Yin and Yang formed a crystallization and quietly approached the soul.
At this time, the corpse soul is fascinated by the soul. I suddenly found that there was a strong breeze behind me and angered, "Don’t you dare lie to me" and wanted to turn around and see what happened.
On Sunday, I saw the corpse wake up and rushed to it. I absolutely can’t let him have a break.
Seeing Sunday, the corpse soul seems to be crazy and confused. He shouted "Roll" and wrapped his arm around Sunday, making him unable to move.
Sunday sneered, "See how you escape" and grabbed the corpse’s soul arm. The integration of "Gui Yuan Xin Fa" and "Yijinjing" followed his arm.
Chapter two hundred and forty-three A life for a life
Girls’ literature
The corpse soul panicked and said, "What do you want to do?" Although his martial arts are powerful, his body is fragile.
Sunday guessed that he didn’t dare to step away from the magic pool and said that he hadn’t cultivated and formed his body, so he must be fragile. He recklessly lured the corpse soul arm to entangle himself and took the opportunity to put his true tolerance into his body and see the panicked expression of the corpse soul, which further confirmed his guess that the true qi was continuously transported along his arm.
The whole arm of the corpse soul was collided by Sunday’s true qi and slowly disappeared into the shape center. It was even more flustered. Suddenly, the eyes shot out like a sword. Sunday evaded and did not run through the chest. The qi stagnated, and the blood in the chest "swooped" and then entangled the corpse soul. The girls’ literature was updated for the first time, and the human was sitting next to it with an anxious look.
The corpse soul lost its resistance and absorbed the underground resentment with the help of the spirit force of the magic pool soul, and moved three feet to avoid it.
Yan Dihan and Liu Refeng’s crystallization gave birth to the second wave of crystallization, which revealed flaws. The corpse soul laughed and laughed. "I want to calculate me." The rest of the hands were entangled in Yan Dihan and Liu Refeng’s new way. "I want you to cook my delicious meal."
Suddenly Yan Dihan burst out laughing and said, "You got caught." Then Yan Dihan and Liu Refeng held off a small crystallization with one hand and one hand, and they couldn’t see it without looking at the root carefully.
The corpse soul exclaimed, "You lied to me." Where did Yan Dihan and Bi Tong throw out the crystal at the same time, trapping the corpse soul, and then the real yuan was continuously lost into the crystal to prevent the crystal from being replenished and broken.
The corpse soul punched and kicked in the crystal to shatter the crystal, but he lost the channel of absorbing power. The magic pool was so powerful that his body was very weak that he still had the power to shatter the crystal. Seeing him struggling in the crystal, he smoked and his body slowly melted.
The corpse soul howled in pain, "You ruined me, and I told you that you couldn’t get the sky’s sacred fire. Ha ha." His hands closed and he muttered something. "Blood soul * *" cried urgently, "Stop him quickly and don’t let him seal the magic pool." I got up to stop the girl literature from being updated for the first time, but my chest suddenly ached and I sat on the ground panting, and I couldn’t get together at all.
The corpse soul laughed and said, "Can’t come? Can’t we go to hell together?" The pool water rolled violently, and the ghosts kept coming out and circling around the platform. "Mm-hmm" screamed that the green light in the eyes was terrible.
Resin soul ha ha laugh wildly "now who also can’t get the horizon shenhuo who also can’t get" shipped up the last bite of divine power strength spilled out crystallization suddenly crashing away yan cold and LiuReFeng was hit by the last strength of resin soul both inverted and fell to the ground to spray several blood collapsed on the soil.
Yan Dihan gasped, "Is the corpse dead? Female literature"
Liu Refeng said, "It’s gone."
Yan Dihan laughed. "We finally killed him. Who can stop us now?"
Liu Refeng sighed, "We don’t want to be happy too early. When the corpse soul died, it made the’ blood soul * *’ seal the platform. We can’t get close to the platform at all. How can we get the sky and the fire?"
Yan Di-han saw that there were ghosts swimming around the magic pool, and a faint red light hung over his head. The water in the magic pool was even more tumbling with big bubbles. He couldn’t help but say, "We have worked so hard to defeat the corpse soul but still can’t get the divine fire from the horizon. Is it really God’s will that girls’ literature is updated for the first time?"
On Sunday, with a wry smile and a sad look, he said bitterly, "What does God want to play with us at this point?" The sound went straight through the sky for a long time.
Yan to see Sunday look sad cold asked LiuReFeng way "if maple is really no way?"
LiuReFeng disappointed sigh a way "is not without"
Yan Dihan said urgently, "What is it? If Maple has any method, just say it. We are out of time."
Liu Refeng word for word "is the need for a life for a life"
"One life for one life" On Sunday, as if grasping the hope, he quickly asked, "What is Liu’s life for one life?"
Liu Refeng said, "The corpse soul can cultivate human form by relying on the ghosts in the magic pool. If he sucks up the ghosts in the magic pool, he can forever turn into a humanoid martial arts and greatly increase his divine power."
Yan Dihan wondered, "So what? Why should we change our lives for one?"
Liu Refeng said, "Now he has released the ghosts’ spirit force at one time. The magic pool is full of ghosts’ spirit force. If you want to get close to the platform, you have to sacrifice one person to make the ghosts suck up his three souls and seven souls’ blood soul * *’ and naturally eliminate it. This is a life for a life."
They talked for a long time on Sunday and smiled slightly. "Lan Lan is the woman I love. She gave me everything in my life. Now her life is on the line. No matter how much it costs, I will save her life." I got up slowly and walked firmly towards the pool with my eyes.
"Can’t you go?" Liu Refeng quickly cried when he saw that Sunday was bent on dying. "You are a heavenly body with a yang temperament. The magic pool is a penis with a yin body to melt. If you go, it will increase the spirit of the magic pool."
On Sunday, I lifted my foot and gave it a long time in the middle, then I slowly turned around. At this time, he had already said in Bai Liurefeng’s words that the so-called Yin people must have a woman’s life in exchange for the divine fire on the horizon.
Among the four women, Guan Feng is the only one.
In other words, you must sacrifice Guan Feng’s life if you want to get the divine fire from the horizon.
On Sunday, she looked at Guanfeng next to her. Somehow, there was a layer of sadness and desolation in her eyes. When she saw Sunday’s eyes, she smiled at her.
This smile broke my heart on Sunday. How sad, tender and innocent it was to laugh like that.
Zhou Tiangen didn’t expect that there would be such a complicated smile on the face of an innocent girl. Zhou Tiancai really knew the girl who had been with him all the time.
On Sunday, her eyes were red, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed. She smiled and said, "There is already a girl who loves me deeply. The so-called heaven has given birth to her favorite man. I don’t want to see the girls around me leave one by one because of me. I love them as much as I love my own life. I won’t allow anyone to play tricks on Guan Feng."
Liu Refeng said, "But if we don’t do this, we won’t be able to protect the rebirth nectar machine if we can’t get the divine fire from the horizon, and it’s even more impossible to get the rebirth nectar even if you repair it a hundred times higher than the solitary extinction and water shape."
Sunday painfully closed his eyes for a long time before opening his eyes with a wry smile. "I know that maybe this is Lan Lan’s life. I’d rather die with her than Lan Lan know that the younger generation is living in remorse and pain."
LiuReFeng and yan to cold two people cast a glance at each other with a deep sigh, also don’t know what to say in silence.
Guan Feng walked step by step to the magic pool and saw the evil murders inside, which seemed to be talking to himself and saying to Sunday, "In fact, the famous monk has awakened my memory and my whole heart sank when I saw Brother Shui leaving. I can’t see Brother Shui again in this life. He is relieved."
Looking back at Sunday, I smiled and said, "I killed Brother Shui for ten thousand years, which made him obsessed with waiting for ten thousand years and made him struggle for ten thousand years. That’s enough. I have tortured a man who loves me deeply. I don’t want another man to suffer again because of me."
"I loved you on Sunday. From the moment I met you, your body and things were very similar to those of Brother Shui. I had a little illusion that I loved Brother Qian Shui, but now when I figured it out and decided to sacrifice you, I found that my lover was you."
On Sunday, when I heard Guan Feng’s words, I felt a faint feeling. I wanted to rush to pull Guan Feng back, but as soon as I started, my chest suddenly shocked and I couldn’t help but bend over to rush, "Feng Feng, come back quickly and don’t do anything stupid."
Guan Feng looked sad and smiled, "Brother Sunday said goodbye" and jumped into the magic pool.
The ghosts in the magic pool smelled the smell of the official phoenix and swam around, surrounded by grievances. The official phoenix body kept rushing in, and the official phoenix body expanded rapidly and expanded bigger and bigger, just like a ball. At the end of the "bang", the pieces of blood splashed and disappeared, and the water in the magic pool suddenly recovered its original state, and the red light also collapsed and dissipated.
"Don’t" on Sunday, he stretched out his hand to catch Guan Feng, but he fell to the ground halfway and watched Guan Feng jump into the magic pool, watching the ghosts devour Guan Feng’s eyes and want to spray fire to cry painfully.
Three people just quietly there LiuReFeng and yan to cold two people is also a tiger eye tearfully looking at lying on the ground on Sunday, painful cry yan to cold before helped him up to see Sunday eyes hole face pale scary.
She sighed, "Don’t think so much when she’s dead."
Sunday murmured, "I killed her. I killed her. If it weren’t for me, Fengfeng wouldn’t die. It was all my fault."
LiuReFeng see the magic pool level quiet to the ghosts in the magic pool after devouring GuanFeng JingXie also no longer appear violent sad way "Sunday, if you don’t get rebirth nectar save Xia Lan girl, you’re sorry to die GuanFeng you call me up"
Chapter two hundred and forty-four Skyline Shenhuo

Robert Dans

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