"Ahem, Brooke. Now I have something to talk to General Ross about. Look, just take an autograph on behalf of your brothers!"

Say that finish clean Brooke camouflage sign your name and stride away from the scene.
More than ten thousand people? Why don’t you oh, my God!
Escape also seems to break away from his little fan Zhang Lan and come to the adjusted state before General Ross, who has not yet roared in rapid succession.
"Mr. Zhang Lan, we have planned military activities. Don’t you think that the tactical consultant of the special team of SHIELD is the most afraid of accidental passwords for tactics? Originally, I almost caught it. You destroyed it. This is a sabotage of military action. I want a military court to sue you! "
In the face of general Ross’s roar, Zhang Lan had to retreat a few steps to distance himself. It was very disgusting to look at the anger. General Ross said something to stop him. "General Ross, as far as I know, this"
Chapter 17 Paving the way for the future
"General Ross, as far as I know, this monster, the Hulk, should be a scientist who helps you study the serum of super soldiers, right? And that girl he protect just now is his colleague and girlfriend and also your daughter, right? "
"What do you do? Why don’t you clean up the battlefield? " General Ross’s face sank. First, he expelled the soldiers around him, and then he said seriously, "This is a military secret. How do you know? Oh, yes, your S.H.I.E.L.D. is level six, right? I heard that Nick Fury, the nigger, took a fancy to you! "
"Nigger? Well, it’s very consistent with his appearance in intelligence. That’s probably the case. "
"Since that year this to do? Haven’t you been trained as an agent? Even if you have limited knowledge of this secret, you should not openly discuss it in front of you. Don’t you know? "
"Oh, it’s a pity that I didn’t know I hadn’t received the training you said."
"What? I knew that nigger was unreliable. "
General Ross obviously has a great opinion of Fury, and he is outspoken in front of him. The insulting word nigger shows full disbelief in his words.
"Hey, don’t digress. You haven’t answered me, Banner. Why did this happen?"
Zhang Lan deliberately avoided Frey’s question and asked Banna’s question instead. He was going to let General Ross tell the world about the American Super Soldier Plan himself.
This also paves the way for his future plans.
"Banner? You haven’t checked the S.H.I.E.L.D. files? Otherwise, how could I not know? "
"But I haven’t seen too much so you say or not? It’s the same if I go back to read the information. Anyway, I just saved your daughter but was thrown out as a discus! "
Zhang Lan played a narrow-minded role here. After all, Frey won’t allow Zhang Lan to leak this information, and he also specially took out the matter of saving his daughter just now.
"Well, who just said that saving people never talks about conditions?" General Ross sarcastically said, "It’s really no big deal. The whole experimental base was broken in a gamma-ray experiment, which led to uncontrollable variables in the experiment, which gave birth to it. Only Banner would know that he was the chief researcher of this gamma-ray experiment, and all the key information was in his mind. That’s why I insisted on arresting him. Our army can mass-produce the super soldiers just now, and America will sweep the world!"
"oh? Stop causing an accident? When was it? It won’t be in the near future? "
"Yes, just a few months ago, near the Victor Building in new york, when it came to this incident, it was because of your battle with Victor that Sobona was born, and you also had a’ credit’."
Originally, Zhang Lan wanted to find out more about General Ross, but she found out a news that shocked him. According to the original plot, it should be an experimental accident that led to Banna’s mutation. Who knew that the experimental accident in this world was actually caused by the battle between him and Victor?
Is this the butterfly effect and the power of fate?
Zhang Lan’s arrival led to an experimental accident in front of Banna, and the force of fate ensured that it was different to get the Hulk power in the experimental accident of Banna Club.
So does it mean that many things will happen at any time because of some casual elements?
This discovery made Zhang Lan thirsty, and he felt it necessary to speed up his planning.
"Zhang Lan, why do you stay? Understand clearly that I will go to the’ suspect’ home to collect evidence. "
General Ross’s face is a bit sad. When talking about the suspect, his mood swings quickly. He still cares about his daughter, but the general’s duty makes him have to catch his daughter’s boyfriend.
I have to say that the American Super Soldier Project unexpectedly gave birth to many powerful superheroes, but more of them are the tragic contributors behind it, and they will be the victims in this project.
Just as Zhang Lan deliberately calculated that an American general was talking about a super soldier project and this brought out the experimental product of influence, destruction and terror, Hulk Banner!
I believe that fermentation will be known to every American people for a while.
And Zhang Lan’s bureau will need these things to pave the way in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to accomplish what he wants to accomplish.
"Why don’t you get busy first? I have a’ friend’ over there waiting for me to comfort him?" Get what you want. Zhang Lan is ready to say goodbye. Suddenly, the sword finger wipes his forehead to get the live broadcast card before continuing, "General Ross, I seem to have forgotten to take some equipment, so you should be prepared."
"equipment? What equipment? " General Ross consciously asked, staring at Zhang Lan, something seems to be sandwiched between his fingers.
"Uh-huh, I have to leave in advance!"
Seemingly guilty, I replied, blue, dressed in holy garments, and flashed away from a distance of more than ten meters, and then ran like something terrible was chasing behind me.
Giving yourself a perfect score for this set of plays is like listening to secrets, and it’s not his own fault. Who can blame it?
"Oscar, you owe me a golden statuette ~"
In a small house on the outskirts of new york, Zhang Lan Natasha sat side by side opposite Banna. His girlfriend Betty Banna’s eyes were puzzled. Zhang Lan looked at each other but didn’t notice that Betty often swept her face and stared at Natasha’s sight. She stayed more at Betty’s body and didn’t know what to think.
Banner couldn’t help it at first. "So what do you want to help me? Also send me a’ gift’? "
Zhang Lan smiled gently. "Well, that’s a’ gift’, isn’t it? Normal temperature control, self-repair, fire prevention, fire prevention, waterproof, tear prevention, oh, the most important thing is that it can expand and contract freely. "
"Well, it did solve a great trouble for me, but it also brought me new troubles. Can you tell me your reason? I believe that the world has a reason to give, but I don’t believe it will be such a valuable thing. "
"Precious? In a rare sense, there should be five sets of the universe: three sets of fantastic four, one set of Spider-Man and one set of you. This set is for me and the stone man to have a chat when they come over. You will be good friends. "
For Banner’s repeated questioning, Zhang Lan was still playing haha and didn’t want to answer, which made Banner’s eyes narrow dangerously and stared at Zhang Lan’s face for three seconds, then suddenly got up and slammed the table and roared.
"Damn you are also sent to arrest me, right? I won’t give up! "
This time, the roar scared Betty’s body to tremble, and Banna was going to change again, and Natasha, a physical agent, was also sensitive. After turning over, she rolled one step and took out her thigh pistol. Her hands were clenched and the sight was tightly set in Banna’s eyebrow center.
"KK Your Sister" rewards 2 starting coins.
Chapter 1 Natasha Abnormal
It seems that a battle is about to happen at the scene. Natasha is waiting for her index finger to pull the trigger tightly. The insurance has already been hit.
On the other hand, Zhang Lan, who was directly growled by Banna, was still sitting on the Diaoyutai, so a gentle smile did not change.
"Natasha, put away your gun. This thing can’t kill Banner even if he doesn’t change now, can it, Mr Banner? I believe you tried it yourself, right? Shoot yourself in the head! "
This sentence made Banner stunned, but Betty completely forgot her fear. She turned to look at Banner and rolled her eyes. "Honey, tell me this is not true?"
"Listen to me, Betty Ann." Banner pursed her lips, and the excuse came to her mouth. Banner looked at Betty’s heart and finally said truthfully.
"Betty, I narrowly killed you and Uncle Ross in that accident, and I blame myself afterwards, and your father, you know, he is going to take me back and then copy and mass-produce the Hulk. No one is more white than me. It is uncontrollable, and it will be disastrous. Your father led soldiers to encircle me the first time, I decided that it would come out, spit out the bomb and broke through the army siege, destroying a lot of things. I know this is it warned me not to try to commit suicide again, otherwise"
Betty heard that her right hand was covering her mouth, and her eyes were staring blankly at Banner, not knowing what to say or do, which could eventually be a deep hug for Banner.
Banner hugged Betty backhand and buried her face in her hair, breathing hard.
When Zhang Lan saw this, she couldn’t help but think of Katie’s eyes, which had just been in contact today. Natasha found that she was staring at Banna and her eyes were flashing.
"Well ~ by the way! Banna and Natasha had a love affair in the second middle school of Reunion. Banna was afraid that he would hurt Natasha’s stealth fighter and disappeared. Well, he should leave Betty for this reason, right? "
Thinking about Zhang Lan so much and then looking at Benner’s buried Betty’s hair again shows his behavior-this is to remember her taste.
Zhang Lanli applauds Banna from Betty’s body fragrance and sincerely looks at Banna’s eyes. "Banna, to be honest, I came to you just to let you join my team. I have a way to help you control it."
Banner immediately retorted, "NO, I don’t want to control it. I want to destroy it!" "
"Banner, you know it’s powerful, don’t you? I have a special ability. I know it’s you. You are, just like you said, pouring a lot of LSD into your head becomes it, and when you wake up, it becomes you, isn’t it? Destroy it is to destroy yourself. "
"NO, it’s terrible, and with Ross peeping at this power root, it’s impossible to solve the problem. I think"
"No, Banner, listen to me. I’m a seven-level agent of SHIELD, and I’m the head of The Avengers at present. I can make decisions before the other guy comes out of the ice. I can apply to the director to let you join my team. Spider-Man and the green goblin are all one of us, and Natasha believe me. I can protect you, not to mention General Ross. Even the military department and I need people, I can bomb them back!"
"Hehe, go back?" Ban Na-hsien doesn’t believe Zhang Lan’s words, "Is it like I just bombarded you?"
"Hey banner but I help you and at that time if it weren’t for me you have so easy to get away? My ability is more than that. It’s much stronger than you think! "
"oh? Is it? I don’t believe there is anyone strong than me. "

Robert Dans

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