Rule! Britannia! Rule this turbulent ocean!

Britons will never be enslaved!
There is no nation more sacred than us!
Although the lyrics are heroic and exciting, the reality is that the glory of the Victorian era has long faded. Without a double-headed eagle, the empire did not dare to fight. This reality made every British sailor angry and desperate. The explosion on the streets of London even threw a thick handful of salt into their wounds. How long has it been since the end of World War II that no one has been able to throw explosives into London? Anger, despair, confusion, confusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The frigate Brave found a French merchant ship stopped in the channel, and the captain frowned and was about to send an inquiry through the public channel. The merchant ship made several loud noises.
The box was thrown into the flames and smoke billowed. The merchant ship immediately sent out a distress signal. The captain didn’t want to make "that merchant ship may be attacked by terrorists and lean over to save people!"
Brave didn’t dare to neglect and quickly leaned over. Although they couldn’t put out the fire without high-pressure water cannon fire fighting equipment, it was still possible to save the crew. The distance was very close. They saw several people desperate to jump into the sea, waving their arms and struggling to swim this way. Several sailors picked up lifebuoys and prepared to throw them away. However, a terrible scream made the sailors freeze their faces.
One has a ton and a half heavy torpedoes!
Roaring heavy torpedoes!
Everyone was horrified to see a slender demon pull out an almost straight white trail from the sea and enthusiastically pounce on the Brave less than 500 meters away from it. The shrill scream of Brave tore their guts out! The officers’ eyes rolled with disbelief. Watching this scene, they couldn’t believe that someone dared to fire a torpedo at them in British territorial waters, and the torpedo was still fired by a merchant ship that was badly burned! The captain’s tone has changed and become shrill and sharp. "Left full rudder evasion!"
Brave tried its best to dodge to the left, and at the same time, it threw out pattern bait and mine to try to lure the torpedo and blow it up. Unfortunately, it was not so close, and no matter how hard it was to hide it, the most deadly thing was that the torpedo was made by hand and the home-made missile in the hands of the terrorists in the Middle East was the same as the original guidance method, and it was almost by direct aiming that the technical means that could interfere with it were pitiful-did you try to interfere with a rocket? All means of interference failed, the anti-torpedo mines were thrown hastily, the angle and timing were not well grasped, and none of them worked. The sailors screamed in panic and despair and jumped into the sea in desperation-
Boom ! !
Torpedo frigate overlapped with powerful kinetic energy. Two meters from the waterline, a hole with a diameter of one meter and five holes was drilled and exploded. The whole warship was blown as if it had jumped into a cabin. The sailors were instantly torn to their original state by the shock wave. The explosion was not as strong as the sailors thought, but the explosion caused a fire that quickly rushed to the deck. The aluminum alloy melted at high temperature and burned, and the fire spread uncontrollably, devouring a series of fresh lives. From time to time, one or two firemen could be seen screaming and screaming from the deck. Adding the smoke that went straight into the sky was even more frightening and chilling!
The warship fire burned for three days and nights, and more than 60 sailors and seven officers died. This was the worst terrorist attack on British soil, and this incident and Leiden barracks
Terrorist attacks are also listed as the worst attack on NATO, which makes the whole of Europe panic. However, they don’t know that this is just a prelude to the storm, and the more terrible attack makes the world’s terrorists worship. Terrorist attacks are yet to come.
Chapter DiYiLiu bloodbath NATO headquarters (a)
The successive terrorist attacks have made the whole of Europe panic. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands … All countries have put the security alert level to the highest level. In every big city, deputy armed police can be seen everywhere. In the past, the heroic mounted police have disappeared. Instead of these unseen guys, they are armored vehicles. These rumbling steel monsters have made Europeans panic. Maybe they have returned to the era of World War II or the Soviet Union has called.
At the same time, the headquarters of the European Union and NATO have a "European capital", saying that the Belgian capital Brussels is naturally more vigilant. At this time, the NATO summit has reached a climax. In case Brussels is also attacked, it is hard to imagine that the Belgian national security forces, NATO agents, dignitaries and bodyguards from all over the world have to be extremely spirited. Everyone is still somewhat lucky in the tension. Now that the whole of Europe is under martial law, should those arrogant terrorists stop? They should be afraid to run to Brussels to run wild, right?
The ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. At this time, Liu Weiping, the boss of terror, is driving around the airport in downtown Brussels to scout the terrain! He drove slowly because he was in no hurry, and everything was ready. All he had to do now was to find the best route to the airport. He ate leisurely and enjoyed the scenery of the city. If NATO spy bosses knew that they were tired like dead dogs, they would go for a ride under their noses.
In all fairness, Brussels is a well-planned this beautiful city with many ancient buildings. You can see it as a condensed Europe. Twenty-seven percent of the residents in this city are foreigners, which makes it a truly international city. Here, people are friendly and enthusiastic, and people are never forced to do things. If Asians are like busy worker bees, they are like laid-back butterflies, and Asians enjoy life, which Asians will not learn in 50 years, but it will soon become a hell because it is the headquarters of NATO!
When he was wandering around the city, the leaders and politicians from NATO headquarters gathered together to discuss the countermeasures. In the north, the Soviet Far East offensive became more and more fierce. After the Chinese military satellite network was unblocked again, the combat effectiveness rose sharply. The Soviet army repeatedly fought for direct killing. In the artillery fire, Siping changed hands three times, and hundreds of thousands of troops turned over and rolled piles of bodies. Behind them, the Soviet commanders roared and roared. The Soviet army had captured Liaoyuan and the rock Siping became an isolated city. I’m afraid it won’t be long before the war will burn to Liaoning and Mongolia. The Soviet army will also pull out every hill and every village along Yanshan Mountain
Only by fighting again can we completely occupy the Chinese army and give great damage to the outer Mongolian army with the Yanshan defense line, but it is difficult to stop the Soviet offensive against Zhangjiakou and Chengde.
It is almost certain that China has lost the battle. The traitor said that the chilling "asymmetric attack" of the Soviet Union has been delayed. Beijing is about to expose the Soviet front. This is not a good thing for NATO, but it is not a bad thing. The Soviet Union is an enemy of NATO. China is also an enemy of NATO. No matter which one of them is good or bad for NATO! What NATO should do is to seize every opportunity to maximize benefits!
The best way to maximize the benefits is to kill Beijing, plunge China into a state of government, and then foster one or more agents to support them to continue to fight the Soviet Union in guerrilla warfare. It is best to fight for ten or twenty years. Even if China can finally drive the Soviet Union out of the country, its own losses will be extremely heavy. The most serious thing is that they will return to the era of warlord melee and want to launch a powerful challenge to the world order like this.
Of course, these can’t be said to the people. Although everyone has put these dirty and despicable plans on the table, it can’t be said that they can’t hold a press conference. The NATO diplomatic spokesman solemnly announced to more than 100 reporters that "NATO has great sympathy for the Far East War and will support the resistance cause of those countries that are being ravaged by evil red empire at all costs and fight with them to the end!"
An Asian female reporter wearing sunglasses and ponytail raised her hand and asked, "Mr. Press officer, as far as I know, NATO has five aircraft carriers approaching the Straits of Malacca, and more than 300 long-range transport planes have been completed. It can send several divisions’ rapid reaction troops to a corner of the earth in 40 hours … Is NATO going to fight against the Soviet Union or to rob China and cut a piece of meat when the war in China is tight?"
The spokesman stared at the female reporter with a charming smile. His eyes were clean and his face was never curious. The spokesman failed to see anything in her face. He smiled and said, "This beautiful lady, you may be mistaken. Although NATO has established a certain military force, we will not fight with any country easily as an organization dedicated to safeguarding world peace. These military forces will guarantee world peace. That’s all."
The female reporter asked, "Do you need to move several divisions of rapid reaction forces and hundreds of long-range strategic bombers and five aircraft carriers to ensure world peace?"
The spokesman said, "I’m sorry
Can tell "
Wearing a black city, wearing a thick bulletproof vest, disguising wax oil, painting your face beyond recognition, then wearing a black headgear with two eye sockets still exposed, putting a 9.0 mm self-defense pistol on the outside of your right leg, taking an automatic rifle magazine, three pistol magazines, six grenades, and finally carrying a 12.7 mm automatic rifle ……………………………………………………………………… There is no reward for life and death, and the potential that the head man can explode is far beyond imagination. At this time, his physical strength and reaction speed have returned to more than ten years ago and even surpassed before he was injured! He smiled in the mirror and said to himself, "Long time no see, troublemaker!"
Liu Zhe asked beside him, "Have you really decided to do this?"
Liu Weiping said "Yes"
Liu Zhe said, "Although you have made a decision, I still have to wake you up. It is very dangerous to do so! You will completely provoke NATO and leave the country in a dilemma of being attacked on both sides … "
Liu Weiping said, "Even if I don’t do anything, NATO will attack the Republic. NATO is even more dangerous than the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wants to plunder resources from us to tide over the difficulties, but NATO is determined to make us invincible. If it doesn’t do it, it will set us back for a hundred years and prevent the Republic from falling into the quagmire of warlords and people. They won’t stop."
Liu Zhe sighed and said, "I hope you are right or we will all be sinners in the Republic!"
LiuWeiPing smile "how to have to kill god said liu general also have a guilty time? It’s not that your knife has become dull and can’t be cut after a few rounds of wandering around the ghost gate, is it? "
Liu Zhe cold hum one or two eyes light become sen cold, FengRui with the universe black hole absolute cold absolute feeling verve again a trace of human emotions, he inserted the tiger blade combat knife into the sheath and held up the k3 class light machine gun with a 100-shot drum to the walkie-talkie and said, "Don’t play dead, get up and work! Those bastards in NATO have been after us for nearly two months, and it’s their turn to taste our power! " Pulling the door and Liu Weiping marched out together, pulled a incendiary bomb from the bulletproof vest and threw it into the room backhand. Then the hotel guests in the corridor of the door were stunned and walked slowly to the ladder.
Boom ! !
Five seconds later, the explosion shock wave in the incendiary bomb room was wrapped in flames, smashed the glass window and expanded, and the fragments flew around. A presidential suite suddenly became a sea of fire sofa mattress, curtains and wooden furniture.
One door after another, I hit one weapon and bulletproof equipment, wrapped myself like a robot, and the special forces came out silently. One room burned violently in the explosion of burning grenades, and soon the whole hotel burned up. The smoke was rolling and the flames were soaring. The good hotel suddenly fell into extreme panic. The woman screamed, the man shouted, the child cried, and there were footsteps. When the object was knocked down, it made a muffled sound, and the people who were pushed to the ground screamed. Ladies and gentlemen who are enjoying their holidays in the original hotel are scared out of their wits by this group of armed men, and almost all the gentlemen and celebrities who are rolling and crawling out are thrown into the clouds. It is important to save your life! Fortunately, those armed men don’t seem to have any intention of killing. If they want to block their way, they won’t touch you. But the people who escaped from the drinkers found in despair that they didn’t know when the whole city had become a battlefield! A rocket roared with an almost real tail line. The soldier patrolling the armored vehicle street turned pale with a brush, and his eyes screamed "n————". Then his figure disappeared and the anti-tank rocket penetrated the thin car body in the fire. The whole turret was lifted several meters high!
A patrolling helicopter found that the situation was wrong and lowered its altitude, probably to see what was going on. As a result, three stinger individual missiles sounded one after another and hit from three directions at the same time, which was extremely accurate! The hapless helicopter barely escaped. One left two hit the propeller, one hit the tail beam, and the whole tail beam was blown to pieces. The helicopter ignited a fire and fell from half to hit a building. The explosion broke out from tens of grams to hundreds of kilograms, and the wall fragments were blown everywhere. The building was ignited and black and red smoke was emitted. It can be seen from dozens of miles away that the whole Brussels was in a panic!
Looking at several civilians screaming and fleeing the streets, several cars crashed into a ball of bullets and roared because of panic. Many military and police officers were wrapped in bullets and blown up in a ball of blood before they understood what had happened. It took less than a second for the whole person to become a hornet’s nest! Splashing flesh and blood, flying through the air, roaring bullets and rain aggravated the panic, making the poor street people run around here and there. Many people were knocked down by cars and pushed down by people behind them. Once the horse fell with heavy wheels or several big feet stepped on it, there was no chance to get up … Heaven instantly became hell, but Liu Weiping took a deep breath of smoke, and the smell became more and more strong, revealing a wild smile. At this time, he burned himself like a prairie fire.
Will also be involved in the surrounding everything in the sea of fire with them to ashes! He held up an automatic rifle and fired a triple shot at a packed car 200 meters away. There were three bullet holes in the armored car body, and a blood line could not be sprayed out of the bullet holes! Shaolin Batman pulled the trigger and an anti-tank rocket flew past at a speed of 300 meters per second, hitting the armored body and passing through the armor! Armored vehicle hatch cover exposed with a pale face, followed by shoulders and chest. He just leaned out and boom! A pillar of fire rose from the armored vehicle department. He flew half way with the turret!
Liu Weiping magnified his roar in Brussels. He trembled in his roar. "Don’t fight with these bastards. You take a group to play with them slowly. Others come with me. Today I’m going to bloodbath NATO headquarters!"
Chapter DiYiLiuJiu bloodbath NATO headquarters (2)
Bang, bang, bang, bang!
For six consecutive dull shots, the harsh screams in the sky rang into a piece. The face of the NATO headquarters guards changed greatly, and the experienced veterans even changed their tone. "Shelling ———" The sound was not broken, but the shells smashed into the headquarters! That was a good shot. The first shot hit the big national flag. Boom! A fireball burst out and shrapnel screamed. Several flagpoles were blown off. The colorful national flag was torn into a pile of rags. One side of the star-spangled banner was blown high. Two of the five shells were accurately blasted. The wall of the headquarters gate collapsed in a loud explosion. Two guards made the shrapnel and concrete slag that were shot from it into a hornet’s nest. A flying arm flew out in a whirl, smashed glass and broken windows, and died. It just happened to hit the podium at the press conference. A NATO diplomatic spokesman said, "North! He will devote himself to maintaining world peace and democracy and establishing a new order. "Peng broke his arm and knocked over the water glass in front of him. This man was stunned for two seconds and suddenly let out a scream that made Pavarotti gape at high decibels. His ass seemed to pop up from his seat and then his eyes turned soft. He wouldn’t be scared to death alive, would he?
I don’t know if he was scared to death. Anyway, so many reporters in the field were scared to death by this article, which showed a piece of Bai Sensen’s bones, broken muscles and broken hands with a few blue veins. Both men and women screamed loudly and the shells kept falling, which aggravated this horrible atmosphere like the end of the world. Someone screamed and grabbed a camera and slammed it out of the window at the fireball of smoke-the attack on NATO headquarters has not happened since the Cold War. Is there any better news than this? It’s really developed. I’ll win all the Pulitzer prizes and Nobel prizes this time! But most people are not so dedicated. They are like wildebeests driven by lions, desperate to rush to various exits. Let’s get out of this hellhole first!
Several deputy armed guards appeared at the door to try to maintain order. A junior officer with a submachine gun sank in the abdomen and roared, "The headquarters has been attacked by terrorists. Everyone must stay calm and evacuate in order, otherwise–"The voice did not fall. There was a flash of cold light, and his tracheoesophageal artery was cut off. The blood splashed out at a speed of 70 ml per second and rushed up to more than three meters high. Everyone around him was caught in the rain, and both men and women screamed almost collapsed. Someone fainted on the spot. In the eyes of the guards, the question was sharp. The press officer couldn’t resist the Asian hand, and a bloody knife was spun out. Poof, the handle was nailed into a guard’s eyebrows and a blood line burst out. She was as quick as a female leopard, and the remaining two guards were able to swing the butt of their guns and hit them. She twisted her waist and flashed her left palm with a sharp knife, and a policeman came out.
Wei Fen heard her neck cartilage smash and thump, and at the same time, her right elbow hit the last guard’s right flank. The three flank bones of the guard were smashed to pieces, and sharp bone fragments plunged into the dirty blood and spewed out from her nose and mouth! He didn’t even pour his p5 submachine gun into the hands of this female reporter. This female reporter with a childish baby face looks very cute. At this time, she has become deadlier than the male. In a few seconds, she solved the problem of four guards without blinking an eye. According to the swarming reporters, they pulled the trigger! Quick and crisp guns sounded and shells splashed out in an attempt to get out of the door. Journalists were like being stuffed with extra-large firecrackers and then detonated, like large pieces of blood and minced meat splashed out! Even if the p5 submachine gun is anti-terrorism submachine gun and belongs to police equipment, but it is so close, its projectiles are still powerful. Before a dozen people understand what’s going on, they are ejected through their bodies, screaming and falling to the ground, and a magazine is lit up. She doesn’t even bother to change the magazine. She grabbed the second one from the guard and continued shooting until the body blocked the door and even the cockroach couldn’t climb out!
Bang bang bang bang bang!
A fierce gun also rang out at another door. An Asian journalist with the same black hair and yellow skin magically conjured up two pistols. The guard rushed in from the door and pulled the trigger. This pistol should be a May 4th improvement. Its projectiles can put two people in a string and then dig out a third civilian killer. Chinese gangsters will have a blank stare if they want to chase after a crowded place. Even if they aim, they will not dare to shoot for fear of accidentally injuring civilians. However, this man is not a policeman. He has no scruples about this. The pistols were each equipped with a 20-round magazine, and the pistols just played submachine guns. The guns were connected in a line, and the steel-core bullets roared in. The guards bumped into the bullets, and the helmets and bulletproof vests were shot through by the steel-core bullets at close range. One after another, they screamed, and in a blink of an eye, two guards were lying at the door. The reporter rushed to pick up two bloody submachine guns and tried to rush to escape. The reporters were just a shuttle and splashed with blood! Seeing that the people in front of them were swept down by bullets, their blood was blurred and they twitched on the ground, and the guns were getting denser and denser. Fortunately, they were still alive. The reporters were scared to death, and their legs and stomachs twitched so soft that they couldn’t make any effort, regardless of whether they were lying on their faces, they trembled and screamed with their hair. How could there be any crown and prestige? Like a flock of hen waiting to be favor!
Da da da!
Everyone is lying down, but the guns are still ringing. Those bold people have come to this point, and they still don’t forget to shake their hands and hold the camera. They won’t let go of a camera. The camera in the reporter’s hand was bounced and flew around with the camera. It was him.
They are bloody, they are fleshy, and they dare to look up and capture the camera. Their heads are all smashed into rotten watermelons. These two cold gunmen are fluent in English and drink "If you don’t want to die, be honest and stay there. Whoever dares to move will die!"
No one dared to touch, and more than 100 people were killed at the first time. Faced with two submachine guns, there was nothing to do. The only thing to do was to lie prone and listen to a burst of guns and explosions. Some devout Christians trembled and prayed for their own destiny with their chests crossed.
But it seems that they should pray for the fate of NATO headquarters first.
The meeting in the conference room of NATO headquarters has entered the theme. How should we deal with China and the Soviet Union? Which one should I deal with first?
This problem is quite confusing. Everyone has to admit that China and the Soviet Union are NATO enemies. Of course, NATO is also the enemy of China and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is NATO’s most terrible enemy. For decades, NATO has been intransigent and has remained ahead for a long time since the end of the Annan War, forcing NATO to breathe. The hundreds of thousands of troops and more than 10,000 tanks stationed in Europe have made the whole of Europe shudder in their dreams. NATO and the Soviet Union may break off reconciliation unless one side falls. The cold war will not stop, and the Soviet Union will soon collapse after greatly overdrawing its national strength and national political enthusiasm, but it seems that the Soviet Union is not a good thing. Zhang Huaguo, its arrogant side, will lose its containment and no one can control it anymore!
The Soviet Union is the most terrible enemy, while China is the most abominable enemy. Since the panda once again showed its sharp teeth in 79, NATO has never been able to invade Africa successfully in two years, and was repelled by the financial tsunami in five years, and then driven out of the South Asian subcontinent in six years, and the Philippines became independent in the Straits of Malacca …………………………………………………………………………
Both of them are sworn enemies, but NATO’s ability can deal with the fact that one Soviet Union has fallen to China and then it is unstoppable. China overthrew the Soviet Union, and the Far East people were able to make Eurasia rampage with great inertia until the last bit of kinetic energy was exhausted-God knows whether NATO had been crushed to pieces by then! It’s really nerve-racking to push down one horse and risk another!
Fortunately, they actually fought by themselves!
"According to information I just received, the main force of the 31st and 41st regiments of China launched a counterattack against Zhang Bei, which was repelled by the Soviet army, which has pulled out the periphery of Zhangjiakou.
The last stronghold is about to attack Zhangjiakou and Chengde, and the Chinese army in Manchuria will defend Siping. The Soviet troops of two divisions stormed day and night and killed more than 90%. They had to retreat Liaohe Group to reinforce Siping. Two armored divisions and six motorized infantry division were also repelled by a Soviet Guards. More than 500 armored vehicles were lost and more than 70 fighters were no longer able to launch a counterattack in Siping. "Chairman of the NATO Military Commission, Bradley, chief of staff of Citigroup, will point to the screen of bonfire all around to introduce the current battlefield situation in China. "According to our deduction, Zhangjiakou and Chengde will be lost in one week at the most, and the Soviet Amur army will also be pushed outside Shenyang. In two weeks at the most, the Soviet army will completely cut off the railway leading to Northeast China with Qinhuangdao and Shanhai and cut off the supply line of shenyang military area command Sea with powerful shore-based anti-ship missiles. No matter how strong the Northeast Military Region is, it is also intentional to kill the enemy. Then the Amur army and the outer Mongolian army will sweep Qinhuangdao to the North China Plain, and Beijing will be submerged by the surging steel flood.
The heads of state of member States and military dignitaries look complicated, half horrified and half admiring China. A country that has just emerged from turmoil for less than ten years has even tied for the first place with NATO in military strength, even surpassing NATO. The Soviet Union has been fighting fiercely for nearly two months, forcing the Soviet Union to invest more than half of its elite troops in this battlefield. It must be a lie to say no, but this does not seem to prevent them from sprinkling salt on the wounds of China.
"What’s worse is that the position of Japan has been confirmed. They betrayed the free world and threw themselves into the arms of polar bears." Bradley gave blazing with anger a cold look. "Three hours ago, the main force of the Japanese Self-Defense Force Shenfeng and Crane Dance double carrier battle group met in the East China Sea, and then it was declared that China’s naval forces fought back. An hour ago, both sides invested in the main force and killed each other." Here he gave a cold smile. "In order to avoid causing more casualties, we had to cut off the gps signal of China and cut off their satellites.
Everyone gasped. China’s satellite positioning was hit hard by the Soviet Union in the early days of the United Front. Because of the frequent attacks by Soviet anti-satellite weapons, there has been no way to launch a new satellite to mend this broken network. By relying on gps to support the current naval battle and hit the most important head, suddenly cutting off the gps signal is equivalent to reaching out and covering the eyes of the Chinese navy! Losing the satellite network to support the main force of the Chinese navy in the face of the long-planned end of the main force of the Japanese Self-Defense Force has been doomed to the cruel fact that the Chinese navy is brave and tenacious!
The president of Citigroup said, "Now the fate of the world has reached a crossroads.
The emperor gave us the opportunity to destroy two most evil countries at the same time. Can we seize this opportunity to go to the free world-"
The secret gun suddenly sounded and interrupted him. His face changed slightly and he called "Guard!"! What the hell is going on here? "
The guards rushed in with panic and shouted, "The Soviet special forces are calling! They surrounded the headquarters! "
What! ?
This guy’s vibrato audio-visual thunderbolt shocked all eyes to see stars, and the explosion of mortar shells made them desperate to jump to the window. They were condescending and shivering. When they saw the periphery of the headquarters, they saw a large number of special forces wearing black urban warfare. It was not ak or 16 that was the most abnormal and lethal weapon in their hands. They killed all the way from all directions to NATO headquarters, and they were bloody and bloody. The guards of the military police and special forces headquarters would be torn to pieces by them no matter which troops greeted them! They advance rapidly in the hail, and nothing can stop them. Behind these black devils, more and more smoke columns are rising from the Ran Ran in downtown Brussels, screaming and screaming, and the explosion resounds through the clouds and nights. It’s sunny and gloomy in Brussels!
"boom! ! !”
In front of the No.1 or No.2 figures in more than a dozen countries, a section of the wall that couldn’t even hit a tank was hit by a heavy shock, and the wall made of reinforced concrete was blown to pieces. It rolled and flew all the way, and a gap of more than ten meters was blown out of the wall. NATO soldiers suddenly turned into a pile of ragged dolls and were thrown far away by shock waves! Before the smoke dispersed, a Hummer with several NATO soldiers’ bodies lying down rushed in. Two heavy and heavy machine guns sounded like torn silk. Flames were handed in and bullets rained like woven fences. In the barrage, NATO soldiers and panicked civilians licked their bodies and wailed for only a few seconds. The grass was like silk, and NATO soldiers shot and played everywhere. The same jeep splashed with blood. Unfortunately, they all hit the bodies and piled up into machine gun fortresses to hide behind the bodies. The gunners did nothing! It’s the first time for those politicians who have their eyes above the top to wage war, but it’s such a bloody and tragic scene. When they saw several soldiers’ legs cut off by machine guns and dragged a bunch of colorful intestines, many people vomited on the spot! It’s hard enough for the bodyguards to escape behind a person’s back. That guy keeps throwing up overnight meals on you. Who the fuck can stand it! But I can’t stand it and I can’t help it. If I don’t escape, I’ll die!
A helicopter took the chief of staff of a certain country from the balcony for emergency.

Robert Dans

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