"Ha ha, I can also detect that it’s too far around our camp, so I can’t." Looking at the five sand thieves thrown together, it’s three meters, which is equivalent to Lin Feng’s spirit of searching the ground three times to find them.

Karst laughed. "This has lightened our burden. Now sand thieves pose the greatest threat to us. It is difficult for us to prevent them from attacking the camp at night. Now we have Lin Fengge, and everyone can sleep at ease." "I can also find out those sand thieves who hid in our camp in advance. If I want to stay with me for a long time, I can also afford it." Lin Fengke shook his head and consumed three times his spirit. He couldn’t afford to be a night watchman.
"The sand has not been previously installed in our camp, so there would be no advantage of night attack." Karst was relieved.
"Can’t they send another batch without them?" Windson wants to come, even if it’s gone, it’s not a big loss to the sand. At most, it’s just that a batch of people come in from the ground. He supports him by staring at the camp for a long time. It’s hard to prevent the night attack on the roots like this. As today, there are five sand thieves lurking here in advance, and there is also an eyeliner. Probably, the roots didn’t want to attack at night today, but harassment is indispensable. As they are now on their way during the day and harassed by sand thieves at night, they have fallen into a passive position.
Karst glanced at the five sand thieves who had been tied into zongzi. "Lin Fengge thinks too much about stealing sand from the ground. It’s good that they can hide in the sand for a long time, but they can’t move on the sand surface, not to mention sneaking in from outside our camp. Don’t think about digging tunnels here. The biggest advantage of sand thieves is to ambush us now."
"ah? That is to say, they can stay in the sand? " Windson never thought that this sand thief’s dive skills would be like this. He can also act at will like the five elements of dun. If so, there would be nothing terrible for these sand thieves.
"It’s the sand thief who usually attacks the camp night and harasses the target. It consumes each other’s energy. After a while, the general attack will come back. Although it is simple, it is very effective." Said Karst, calling several mercenaries to play five sand thieves and added, "Lin Fengge, let’s go to Miss Sophie to discuss it together. Now our situation is not as passive as before. It is no different from ordinary robbers to prevent them from ambushing these sand thieves on the road."
Windson let Chen Er keep their camp for four people and go to the caravan camp alone with karst. The whole camp layout is that the caravan and the guards are protected by the sword mercenary group in the periphery. Windson has a total of several people beside the caravan and Sophie’s camp is not far away.
"Miss Sophie, we don’t know what the sand thieves think yet. If they know about the night attack, they will fight to the death with us. This land damage will greatly predict the situation of the caravan escort, and I can’t guarantee it." Karst took five sand thieves to discuss with Sophie again.
In the March, it is likely that a large number of sand thieves will hide in the ground and give them a sudden blow. The sand thieves will not face his mercenary group, but Sophie’s escort and the peripheral sand thief brigade, so it is difficult for the mercenary group to be caught in the middle of the caravan.
"With Lin Fengge, our pressure has been reduced a lot. We had to ask for help from the family first, but now it seems that there is no need for it. The karst colonel also said little about the caravan guards. Naturally, it is our Frye family who will be responsible for the loss of the sword mercenary group." Sophie said in the atmosphere.
Sophia won’t have any problems in this transaction, but I didn’t expect so many things to happen along the way. The caravan guards have been increased for the third time, but fortunately, this sword mercenary group is really tough, otherwise she really can’t go back this time.
Karst seriously said, "Miss Sophie, don’t worry. Since the sword mercenary group has accepted your employment, even a single soldier will defend the caravan."
"Now we need to talk about how to prevent sand thieves from attacking easily during the journey, and we don’t know the scale of sand thieves yet, which will trouble the head of karst." Mr. Ji said behind Sophie
"This Mr. Ji rest assured that now that there are five prisoners, even if these guys are hard-mouthed, I will let them spit something out." Karst took one look at the five sand thieves who have already turned pale and said, "Now our sword mercenary group has nearly 400 caravan guards and 300 should be able to protect themselves. As far as regular warfare is concerned, although we can’t compete with the army, we are definitely much better than the sand."
Sand thieves and robbers have almost no formal training, and most of them win by absolute advantage. They collide head-on with considerable strength. These sand thieves can never be compared with the famous sword mercenary group of Big Six.
"These karst heads ask about the specific situation of sand thieves. In deciding these days, why don’t we slow down first? It’s still very safe to have Lin Fengge in our camp." Mr. Ji looked at it and never interrupted Lin Feng.
"Trouble" Sophie sincerely said to windson.
Forgotten star nobles, these things are generally very embarrassing. Windson is now like a whole team of minesweepers. If Windson doesn’t promise him, there is nothing he can do.
"Now that I’m one of them in this team, just leave this little thing to me." Windson’s expression is light, which makes people unable to see through.
Karst has taken away five sand thieves. They don’t want to take things, so don’t talk about it! I have a lot of experience in forcing this line of karst. From time to time, there are screams from his camp. On the first day, a sand thief’s body was carried out by several mercenaries. It seems that karst has left a big shadow in the hearts of the remaining four sand thieves.
When the karst was forced, the whole team stopped. Perhaps the sand thieves also knew that they were in this caravan. Five nails were arrested and no one was sent to attack the camp.
Finally, on the third day, four bodies were carried out before and after, and the karst interrogation was over, but the news was not happy.
"How can this four thousand sand thief! Comparable to the southern part of the Asian Empire, when there was such a big sand thief, it was nearly six times our strength. "After listening to the karst news, Mr. Ji was surprised.
"What can you do about karst?" Sophie didn’t shout because she heard thousands of sand thieves, frowning and asking karst.
Karst wry smile way "I’m sorry, Miss Sophie, although I have the confidence to defeat the sand thief with the same strength, I am also capable of nearly six times the gap."
"Miss, why don’t we wait for the family to help!" Mr Ji shook his head and said
Sophie exhaled a sigh of relief and said calmly, "Is there? It takes less than a month to get from Peace City to us, and people in this vast desert family may not be able to find us directly. Are your sand thieves stupid enough to let us wait for reinforcements? They don’t want to do it now because they don’t want to have too much loss. "
"Miss, we don’t want the goods. Let the karst colonel and guards protect you to break through." Mr. Ji paused and looked at Naikarst.
"Break through? It’s late now, and you said that there can’t be such a large group of sand thieves in the southern desert. Then they are aiming at our things. "Sophie got up with the wave and said.
"Miss, do you mean that the Begalin family is up to something in this?" Mr. Ji said angrily that in a comparable sub-empire, there is a Begarin family if you can compete with the Frye family, and the Begarin family has never stopped fighting with the Frye family when the foundation of the comparable sub-empire is deeper than that of the Frye family, and Sophie has also received a batch of goods from God Blessed Big Six this time, but these are just smoke screens. The most important thing is that the Frye family spent great efforts to buy weapons and drawings at a high price in God Blessed Big Six.
Frye’s family and Begalin’s family have been fighting for so many years, but Sophie never thought that Frye’s family would be planted with such a deep rape by Begalin’s family. Now that Begalin’s family knows the importance of this weapon mapping in Sophie’s hands, it is impossible to let it settle in the city of peace, which is a serious blow to Begalin’s family.
"Miss Sophie, if you want to try, my sword mercenary group will still try to ensure that you break through." Karst thought for a moment and said that now he has no other choice. It is impossible for those sand thieves to let go of the sword mercenary group. If Sophie is saved, he can still leave a good name.
"I know the means of the Begalin family well. Since they have gone to such a big way, they should know that it is impossible to break through everything we have now." Sophie turned her head with a face of apology and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Fengge is my troubler this time. If possible, please share it with us. Look at your identity. The Begalin family should not treat you like anything."
Windson shook his head and said, "Miss Sophie is too contemptuous to say so."
Sophie wry smile way "I’m sorry Lin Fengge, I didn’t mean that, now you can see that it’s no good for you to follow us"
"After all, we are friends. I am helped by nature. I also want Miss Sophie to take me on a good trip!" Windson face revealed a mysterious smile to say
"Lin Fengge has a solution?" While the original dead Mr Ji surprise way
"I can’t guarantee the casualties on the day of departure, but there is still no problem in rushing out." Said Lin Feng, and he walked out of Sophie’s tent. Even the line of Frye’s family, Lin Feng, couldn’t let this caravan end like this. Otherwise, who would help him find a doll? Four thousand sand thieves are going to rush out on average, but it is not difficult to expose some strength, but it can make Frye’s family believe that Lin Feng doesn’t care.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-one Violence to break through
With the rising of the morning sun, the brigade has stepped on the journey again, and nothing has changed much except shrinking as much as possible.
Windson didn’t sway outside with karst, and all of them sat back in the SUV.
"Great Tiger, you are equipped with gold and Bi Meng. When sand thieves appear for a while, others don’t want to drive. You are responsible for removing the sand thieves who got into the caravan. The second brother drove the off-road vehicle to break through. There is no need to do more entanglement with these sand thieves." Windson ordered.
Dahu nodded and prepared to go. Chu Yu asked, "Ah Feng, do you want to break through violence?"
"Now there is no other way" windson light way
"We are now able to wipe out these backward four thousand sand thieves! What to break through? " While blue beibei for windson arranged off-road vehicles are very dissatisfied with him pouting complain way
Lin Feng directly looked at Lan Beibei and complained, "Just help them through the immediate crisis. There is no need for them to know too much about us. Now the less they know about us, the better."
Sword mercenary group road caravan walked slowly in the desert, except for blowing yellow sand from time to time. If it weren’t for the mercenaries and caravan’s careful tension, it would be hard to think of sand thieves attacking. Although Lin Feng promised to break through, Sophie and Karst still dared not relax a little. Sophie was ready to abandon those heavy goods at any time. Although it was a great fortune, it was still impossible to compare with her hand weapon drawing.
When the sun is slowly setting on the fresh thread, a shrill scream rings in the desert. At the same time, sand thieves are suddenly drilled around mercenaries and caravans. When they fight with mercenaries and caravans, there are hundreds of sand thieves coming out of the yellow sand.
At the same time, a large sand thief appeared in the distance riding a camel-like animal to come here slowly, and the distance between the two sides was only about 2 thousand meters
700 Mercenaries and Guards Against Besar Thieves Although mercenaries and guards are better than sand thieves, now the sudden appearance of sand thieves has completely disrupted the formation of mercenaries and guards, and now they have their own battles. As soon as more than 3,000 sand thieves arrive at the sword in the distance, the mercenary group and Frye caravan will be finished.
Chen Er drove the off-road vehicle to the back door, playing in the back. Chen Hu manipulated the gold and Bi Meng, and jumped up more than three meters high, more than ten meters far, and 2 meters high. The design of the gold and Bi Meng was simple and smooth, but full of oppression. There were no external weapons, but the knees, elbows and shoulders were covered with spikes, especially those claws that were one foot long and scattered with sharp cold light, which made people shudder like fierce beasts from ancient times.
Look at this sudden golden monster, whether it’s a sword mercenary group escort or a sand thief. They’ve never seen this glittering thing before, but they can call it a killing machine. Bi Meng is hiding in an off-road vehicle, and Sophie and Mr. Ji’s eyes shine at the same time.
There is no weapon dancing with cold light and two claws of gold. Bi Meng growled and rushed into the sand like a sickle of death, harvesting life. Sand thieves didn’t have the average four or five levels of defense like those powerful mutations of Warcraft. None of them could stop gold. Bi Meng’s claws were torn to pieces by gold and Bi Meng.

Robert Dans

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